He is awesome.
He is awesome.
Jeremy was on fire this episode and his girlfriend was a hot mess.
It was horrible!
I loved this one! I wish we got JGL in later episodes.
Yeah I wasn't feeling this one either.
I wish I had done that. I recently finished the second one and I was so mad.
LOL yup. The second book was pretty bad. And Jennifer Lawrence would not work as Rosie at all. Gah. I wish they stop trying to push her into every movie.
This sounds terrible.
I loved the first book and hated the second one. I honestly don't want it brought to screen because then someone is going to make that second book into film and I am already fed up with them trying to do a Die Hard Year One film. I need a break!
LOL yup.
Definitely. I think it's cause she was in love with Tastyee and hoped things would be different.
This! She's so self absorbed who wants to deal with that. I would be all over someone else like Poussey in a minute.
Yeah but in Alex's mind based on what I read she had let Piper get to her and thought Piper was going to name him so she did as well. She thought they be in the same boat so to speak. A messed up O Henry story since both of them did what they thought the other one wanted.
Yup. Cause she knows she doesn't have a group that would protect her and Gloria would have whipped her butt
I doubt that it would be used for condos or anything..yet. But if MCC is doing this to just get their earnings up for a quarter then I can see them also selling Litchfield and maybe season 4 is all of the prisoners being scattered to the four winds. We know based on where things are left that with the old guards gone…
I think it seems more likely to me that they would combine max (and lesser max prisoners with Litchfield) in order for them to get that land that max sits on and sale the land.
I think he thinks he is a great counselor/husband etc. He sucks.
I doubt he will quit. And yeah I am scared for Maritza.
Because they want the land that max is standing on to be used for development.
I hope so. Next season I am calling him going to jail for assault.