
He could be back but he seems to be the type to cut and run.

Yeah. I think Vee is gone which I am glad about. I feel like there's enough stuff going on with the other characters and the prison being maybe bought that we don't need another villain.

That was so bad!

And he keeps acting that way. He acted super shitty about the new counselor and you could see how jealous he was with her setting up a group that had all of the women participating. He's a shitty counselor who uses his time to feel better about himself and/or use them as a way to fulfill some fucked up fantasy like he

Yeah I think that even though Luscheck sucked for it, what was he going to do? Go to jail for her?

Not shocking at all. I am a bit tired of her. And she's acting like an unsympathetic asshole because Alex is devastated about being back in prison. Piper is all who cares we're together. Blech.

She's a moron because she really thinks this is going to work. I mean she honestly believes in what 2 years she will get out and she and Bennet will be together. And somehow raise their kid together and he won't get found out and put in prison. Frankly Daya seems to fall for anyone that gives her any type of positive

I think that's true too. Between gay women there are those that call out those that are fem and those that are butch. Boo's one night stand was obviously a fem and who didn't mind going home with her but had problems with how Boo was dressed.

I loathe Healy. That is all.

I think Bennet is gone just because you saw earlier that he runs when trouble is coming his way (ie coward) and he realized that there was nothing for him to do in his current situation but leave and pretend it didn't happen. He couldn't claim Daya's baby without going to jail himself, he can't marry her, and Caesar

I love Soso so much just because she really did come in thinking prison was like a camp and came to realize she has no one to turn to which is why she's lonely and sad. Piper just annoys the crap out of me.

I don't think so. With the end of season two and her eyes open and staring and blood. I am sure that Caputo was informed about it and the fact that two escaped prisoners are dead I believe would be available to them via the tv room. They knew that Rosa died by driving herself into a quarry.

Um you just spoiled and you really are not supposed to spoil the entire season it says so above

Hugh Laurie was fantastic and loved him when he rightfully called out the hot mess of a staff for actually being one of the huge problems with Selina's presidency.

That makes me happy. More Boo and Pensky!

That could be it. I honestly don't know. I was surprised at her too. Healy is a piece of crap and how she doesn't get that since she seems so attuned to what other people are thinking/feeling baffles me.

I think Red/Healy is crazy. He's a misogynistic piece of crap.

This episode was wonderful. I love the budding friendship between Boo and Pensky and I loved the flashbacks with Boo and her still showing regrets for being dumb about not saying goodbye to her mother.

He is dumb. He and Daya bugged me all last season.

I'm happy for this but hope season four is not as over the place as three was. Maybe it being on Netflix means it will be more adult and dark.