
Seemed like Dev Patel was trying and E steered the convo away. Not surprised.

Some of them definitely have resisting bitch face.

YES, BOSS UP HERE PEOPLE!!! It killed Cheetolini that Meryl Street RIPPED him, and it killed him that the room/viewers sang her praises. I think that will be his undoing—his thin-skinned, deluded attempts to *seem* like the BMOC. I think the marches and the populace poo-pooing him—well, I bet he hides his head in the

“But Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two sides of the same coin. SEND A MESSAGE! VOTE JILL STEIN! VOTE BERNIE SANDERS! VOTE YOUR MOM! WHAT’S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?”

True. But it was only a week ago.

At the rate he’s going, it might not even be a fake attack. He wants to take this country to war, because

This would be all well and good if there had ever been at threat of refugees from these countries who have been working through the extremely slow, years-long refugee and visa process in the US had ever committed a terrorist act in the US, except that there has not ever been such a threat.

Just in case there are people in or near Sacramento tomorrow that want to protest:

He’s equally gross with Goebbels and Kellyanne Conway.

Oh goody turns out Steve Bannon is writing all these orders and Trump is his puppet

We need to stop thinking about what’s legal, what’s right, what “should be”; it’s clear the other side has abandoned all pretense. I honestly don’t know what to do, how to fix this mess. Lots of people are saying this is Nazi Germany, and what we do and how we act will be remembered. I don’t think it’s as crazy a

States rights AND the second amendment both starting to look a hell of a lot more appealing right about now, hey? Thanks, gun nuts!

It is a coup. Bannon just took over the Department of Defense.

Bannon has said in the past that his desire is to destroy America and basically rebuild from the ashes into what I guess he wants.

Everyone in this administration is the grossest person ever!

Doesn’t Bannon have to get at least sort of security clearance? 

What the ever loving fuck. There’s been a lot of insanity in the last week, but he’s now outright snubbing the military alongside the intelligence community. I think he’s forgotten that as far as most officers are concerned, their oath of duty is to the Constitution first, not the whims of the President.

Unfortunately, they’re still letting in people from the Confederate States.