
Trump himself is short-sighted, interested in his own wellbeing only (not even those of his children) and easily manipulated. Nothing shows the total narcissistic ignorance of Trumputin like trying to take on China. Russia has no real manufacturing resources, and ours are severely limited. We could not even dress our

Trumputin is a good portmanteau. I will be using it, for sure!

Someone tell me I’m overreacting, please.

For real? Is this recent?

Man, even people that help the US government, and get green cards for doing so, can’t catch a break solely because they are Muslim? WTF.

This is just the beginning of evil. Gorbachev is predicting WWIII.

This is so heartbreaking. I hate being complicit in this. I didn’t vote for Trump, I actively campaigned for HRC, but I am still complicit. We all are. And we should all feel shame today.

I was really surprised (and pleased) to see my all-girls, Catholic high school promoting teachers, nuns and students who went to the Women’s March last weekend. I know Catholics can go either way these days and around here (Boston area) they’re probably more likely to be anti-Trump, but it made me happy for a second.

It’s a cowardly action. When other mayors are standing up against President Trump’s unlawful orders and calling them out as rightful unconstitutional and illegal, Mayor Gimenez has decided to cave in and allow the practice of detaining immigrants at the “request” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This practice

Personally hassling the National Park Service to find more flattering photos of his inauguration crowd size kills me. Like, it would have been a thing on Twitter for an afternoon and then people would have moved on to the rest of the horror show of his administration. I’ve come to the realization that there will never

First off, people aren’t illegal.

Second off, no one’s fighting against deporting undocumented people who are found guilty of murder. Nearly every sanctuary city I’m aware of has said they’ll fully comply for people convicted of series crimes.

What sanctuary cities (like Austin, which I’m a proud resident of) are

Our fearless leader is so courageous and tough:

What a wimp. Our female sheriff in Austin is defying Donnie and our governor. Why are the menfolk so cowardly?

Absolutely. I have a pretty radical base of friends, and I watched all this play out on social media. They spent essentially a year bashing Clinton and wondering whether to bother voting at all. That doesn’t exactly get people fired up to go out to the polls.

I’m not falling for that again...!

My husband and I are compiling lists of countries that are good for expats if you want to move even further away. Sigh.

This is the goodest question I’ve heard in a long time.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

How hard is it to sneak into Canada?