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IT IS NOT FIXED!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! I am so tired of this phone...Facetime and retina display and processor speed and all of that are just bogus trade-offs if the damned thing can't even work as a phone. SO STUPID!!! Yet every time I try to bring it up in forums, it's amazing how religiously fanboys defend

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The iPhone 4 has SO many problems, sheesh! And yet the Apple Fanboys march proudly on in blind allegiance. Check out my video.

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It's amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It's also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current

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It's amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It's also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current

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It's amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It's also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current

@me141: bad...

you guys are terrible with removing absolutely pertinent comments. censorship at its best.

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It's amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It's also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current

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It's amazing how badly iPhone 4 sucks. It's also amazing how Apple Fanboys will defend it until the end of time. I will freely note first off that I am not a fanboy by any stretch, however I do have the 3GS, which I love. I did buy the iPhone 4, and it was so terrible that I returned it and went back to my current

@albokay: "Once it takes hold of never...lets....go....."

@bigPixel: In the words of The Great Steve: "Non-issue. Simply avoid ordering us around that way. "

@JS_Drupal: Whoever you are, I LOVE your commentaries and replies...LOL...keep 'em comin'!! Bless you for not being an Applemming and iPhoney user. Yeehaw!! Getting my Evo in -24 hours...