
So it’s okay for someone to attack someone over the color of their skin as this writer has, as long as he is black. Isn’t that then ‘black privilege’. Incite divisiveness often? So tired of bigoted writers from The Root Rag.

And NOW how do you feel? I mean, we all know how you feel, i just want to see you admit it.

Because likely his middle name is Jussie. $1,000 says he’s lying and they never find these made up villains. I bet he is failing something in school though that his parents don’t now about.

You have 300 million different personalities? 

Thanks for that man-hating point of view ‘story’ Diana Moskovitz. Why so much hate for Kraft? Because he has more money then you? I would bet all I own that the woman who gave him a hand job was in no way forced to do so and she was very, very well paid for it. To say exposing this man’s private parts aid in fighting

God I love ALL the libtard tears!!! HAHAHAHA! You faggots attacking innocent kids is just disgusting. Trying to be the ‘good guys’ while attacking children. What a bunch of motherfucking morons!! hahahaha!!!

Jack Mirkinson is a raging liberal cock muncher.

Michael Harriot is one the biggest bigots and nastiest pieces of shit on planet earth. Those kids were victims and you’re a steaming pile of maggot ridden shit. Divisive cunts like you should be lined up and shot. 

Now playing

Video PROOF he swung first. “Reporters” these days do zero investigative work or they would have plainly seen the video as the cause of action on the complaint. I would assume her stance on this issue is due to her skin color and nothing else.