
Nothing in the article indicated that it's about a morning routine? How about the title? It all comes down to this: in order to life hack, you need... A life.

If you don't have time for a morning routine, nothing is going to help. I hope you're professional enough to understand this logic, or did you really think this post was going to put 25 hours in a day? You don't want a relaxing morning routine, you want to work. This is fine, but don't whine about others not being

To summarize: you only work, and because of this don't have free time to have a relaxing morning routine. And then you complain this post isn't aimed at people who don't have any time for anything besides work. Start reading stuff that's aimed at workaholics.

You go to bed at 9... Or you feel tired. It is al about priorities.

People, people, people. If you want a relaxing morning, take your time in this morning. Get up early, so you have this time. Getting up early means going to bed early. If this logic doesn’t stick, the problem isn’t external: it’s lack of discipline.