Yoga Nerd, Maybe Dead

It’s cuz teh menz like the fact that historically women have been assigned worth based on appearance; it makes it easier for them to put us in our “place”. Just throw “fat” “ugly” “cow” in our direction and all wind leaves our sails. But now? Now we tell them to go eat a bag of dicks and we keep on slaying.

And yet the man in the permanently orange fat suit is fine with them.

Ding ding ding. My own father-in-law (a proud republican and Trump supporter!) is of this ilk. He’s an incredibly rotund, balding-in-a-bad-way type of man, face reddened due to years of alcoholism (he is sober now, but the damage was done) and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard him or his wife, who also

A lot of these assholes have never really progressed past shouting insults in the school yard. When you are eight-years old shouting “Ha! Ha! You’re fat!” is wit and perspicacity rivaling the works of Oscar Wilde or Dorothy Parker. These idiots have never moved on from there.

I have two friends who marched, both pretty “fat” (I hate using that word about friends but I am fat too), one of whom also uses a cane. The other lovely marchers helped her along when she needed it.

“Men aren’t fat, only fat women are fat.”

*/engage smiling protocol

I’ve always felt like men who consider “fat” to be the ultimate insult to a woman do it because they consider fat women unattractive and the worst thing you can be to a man is a woman he doesn’t want to have sex with.

Well, the problem isn’t fat PEOPLE, it’s fat WOMEN. Men can be fat because they’re allowed to have brains and make money. Women are for looking good, so it we’re fat we are completely irrelevant.

I’ve seen a few things about how the marchers are fat and it’s like ... so? I mean, clearly, to these people fat women aren’t human and thus don’t count. It still takes a certain level of stupidity to not be able to come up with a better insult than that. Like, it’s not saying our policies are wrong, that we’re

This is the corollary to the “you shouldn’t protest, look how much better you have it than women in Saudi Arabia” argument I’ve seen on Facebook, and from women, too! Tying it to healthcare, I guess it’s also irresponsible to go for a regular check-up or even to get care for anything non-fatal when there are people

Yeah, they’re feeling the heat. Let’s keep it up, folks.

Love the equation of viagra to birth control.

Can’t star this enough. Access journalism has disincentivized solid reporting, and we’re all poorer for it.

This is how the Trump administration will put over the dismantling of American civil society for the next four years: by banking on whipped, boot-licking reporters so committed to the performance of empty impartiality and the maintenance of access

Yeah, this is why people need to STFU with their overly simple narratives of the election. You can tell who does and doesn’t pay attention to things outside of the presidency.

Yeah, the difference is conservatives’ rhetoric was nonsense fabricated by their fake news agencies and blogs and fear mongering. Trump is already slashing vital programs, destroying trade agreements, attempting to roll back Obamacare without having anything to replace it. If you look at every idea he plans on

However, let’s not forget that the right wingers said just as much completely unhinged bullshit about President Obama when he came into office—and then managed to keep it up for eight years in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

“...the US spent 54% of its discretionary budget on the military.”