
Holy smokes, one can hope!

After reading all that, it sounds like typical corporate meddling where they actively kill the golden goose and wonder what went wrong. The Mass Effect series had issues, sure, but it was a wonderful series to play through and one of the very few RPGs that I will replay over again.

It’s really been a slog. Every time they get an interesting story going they either kill it prematurely or pretend it never happened.

Looked like pork chops to me.

Aren’t these sorts of things considered public record?

I laughed at this more than I should have.

Thing is it’s easier to find “alternative” versions of software out there, but there aren’t really alternative versions of games unless you’re on PC.

Nah. Just “fake news” because apparently all the journalists in the country have nothing better to do than make up a bunch of shit. Trump is going down and so is most of his administration. Trumpgate is gonna make Watergate look like child’s play.

The rats really are turning on each other.

I drive a 2008 Mazda3 and I have to say I’ve been pretty impressed with a lot of design decisions they made. The car looks small from the outside, but it’s surprisingly roomy on the inside. My only real complaint about it is the interior is all black, which makes for a hot ride in the summer. Otherwise, I’m happy

Season 2 of LoT was actually pretty good. The LoD stuff was great.

Interesting. Hadn’t heard it that way before.

It’s absolutely possible. Only time will reveal the whole truth.

They will act when there’s just too much evidence to ignore. Granted, they would’ve already started moving if they weren’t all a bunch of callous, spineless, self-serving, loathsome creatures (or if a Democrat was the one doing all this stuff), but eventually public pressure will force them to remove Trump through

It’s a very strange thing that Comey spoke on Hillary when he didn’t need to, but then didn’t speak on Trump. Thing is, the truth about all that probably won’t be revealed for years or decades, but I’ll bet it will be fascinating when it is.

Nope, nope. With how ridiculous Trump supporters are, they’ll somehow claim the Pope is actually a Democrat and spews nothing but “fake news”.

She’s staying for the big payday when she inevitably divorces him later. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

If all businesses were willing to pay livable wages, a minimum wage would not be necessary. Unfortunately, the nature of people often demands that they be made to do things. It is never a bad idea to give more money to the workforce at large. It will go right back into the economy. The scare tactics about raising

I’ve always found it disgusting how women will vote for clearly anti-women policies just because their church or their man/husband tells them to. It’s gross.

Republicans also purposely defund and otherwise cripple education within their states so people won’t be able to understand and learn why their policies are not good for their wellbeing. It’s much easier to control people who are uneducated and often illiterate.