
There’s no hope for those people. Their grip on reality is already tenuous at best. All you can do is ignore them. Democrats never had to lift a finger to make the entire administration implode. It was doomed from the start. The only reason the GOP went along with it all is because they truly believe they can jam

Admittedly, I didn’t actually have any savings in there, but the bank I was with at the time charged me $80 for that, which is apparently something they are legally able to do for their “inconvenience” of having to deal with a lien against a member’s account. Needless to say, I dropped that bank right afterwards.

Trumpcare would be the bestest healthcare! As long as you don’t ever get sick, aren’t born with a pre-existing condition, and aren’t a woman, it’s fantastic and cheap!

Something, something, boot straps, something something, tax breaks.

Democrats are purposely not rushing calls for impeachment because they are waiting for Trump and his administration to hang themselves, which is almost certain to happen as the Russia investigations go on. If they start jumping to calls for impeachment now, they risk being seen as overzealous and that can backfire on

Heyman can talk, but I don’t think it would work. Heyman is forever tied to Lesnar and any efforts to pair him with others will meet with failure (see Curtis Axel, Cesaro, Ryback). Thing is, I’m not sure what talkers outside of Heyman that you could pair with him.

Bingo. They had it right with releasing new maps for free to keep the player base together. Splitting your users across different DLC packs is bad.

Sadly, the only way those cowards in Congress will move against Trump is if there is 100% irrefutable evidence of criminal activity from him. Had the shoes been reversed, they would’ve had no problems with calling for impeachment from a Democrat president already. It’s ridiculous.

That’s an interesting idea. However, given how our educational system is fast going down the shitter and there is little reason to reverse it since an uneducated populace is much easier to control than an educated one, it will never happen.

Not sure what houses you’ve been in, but the smell is usually confined to the immediate area around the litter box.

This may be 4 years old, but I laughed out loud at the 2nd part of your comment.

Cat people are the best. Dog people, on the other hand...

I read that in this voice.

He wanted to work with Congress, but with the GOP increasingly being overran by “scorched earth” subgroups, there was never a real shot of cooperation between the sides.

Remember kids that drugs are VERY bad! Smacking up your wife/girlfriend is okay as long as there’s no video.

The RCA Victor dog comment made me laugh out loud.

I take a similar tact. It really kinda depends on the game and the people involved. I feel like people get far more aggressive when playing a shooter than in any other type of game.

This reminds me of a coworker whose son abruptly took his life last year without any warning. She was away from work for a number of weeks and then came back. However, she still wasn’t mentally settled with what happened and was forced to take an extended leave by the store director. There’s really no way to

Bingo. This Starbucks fiasco sounds like it stems from poor planning, which in my experience is common among retail. Corporate just tends to throw things out there with little to no planning.

Bingo. These complaints don’t stem from having to make the unicorn drinks, they stem from lack of supplies and manpower to sufficiently execute the promotion. Lack of manpower leads to overstressed employees and lack of product leads to unhappy, and sometimes rowdy, customers which only stresses employees further.