
They won’t say it outright, but they feel it all the same: They don’t feel they should have to be responsible for anyone’s healthcare at any time for any reason. Babies, kids, disabled persons, they’re all just a drain on their taxes and something, something, small government, something, something, personal

I’m having the same problem.

I’m having the same problem.

It’s not. It’s basically a veiled return to the old ways when only people with money could afford insurance and everyone else could screw off or get slammed with a huge ER bill.

Same here. It was $23.99 earlier, but now it’s not.

Same here. It was $23.99 earlier, but now it’s not.

Fascinating article. It’s absolutely amazing and sad the amount of cognitive dissonance people will put themselves through.

And at that the Virtual Console never shook out to what it could’ve been. Great idea in theory, but deeply flawed in execution.

The court made the rulings because there were serious problems with the order, some of which were and are major legal problems. The vetting process for people coming into the country is already thorough, not saying it can’t be improved, but it’s already a thorough process. There is no clear and present danger, it

No one’s disputing the use of Executive Orders. All Presidents use them for different reasons. The problem with Trump’s EO on immigration is it had no vetting or anyone with experience looking it over to make sure it had legal grounds. Even the Republicans in Congress had no idea it was coming or what was in it.

Just one note: The majority of the country did NOT believe he was qualified. Trump has been on the job a short time, but in that short time he has already shown he’s in way over his head. When you already start getting Executive Orders smacked down within days of taking office, you are in over your head (never mind

I think they will just keep accepting it until something comes out that they just cannot defend (i.e. unmistakably criminal).

Given the events of the last few months, I no longer doubt how far Republicans will go to stay in power. They give no shits about country or people, only their Bible and power.

I believe they are to keep motorists alert.

Not everyone who plays Pokemon Go would also play the main games.

Sometimes you gotta say fudge it and take a leap of faith. Taking that leap is better than staying stuck spinning your wheels because you’ve grown complacent.

My understanding is that it prevents them from being deported, but not necessarily detained. But the court fights are just beginning and I guarantee all those being unlawfully detained will have a mighty strong case to bring against the government, a case they will almost certainly win.

Waking up in Atlanta is never good.

I’m more impressed by the cleanliness inside the case. I don’t see any wires in there.

Fascinating. I’ve never watched any Madea movie, but am familiar with who Tyler Perry is.

Can’t. Something, something, values, something, something, abstinence.