
Many (not all) religious types are also deeply hypocritical. They like to pull out their Good Book only when it conveniently supports their view point and ignore it when it doesn’t. It’s part of the reason why I consider myself as being spiritual, but do not associate with any religion.

The amount of dumbasses who really believe that when politicians say they’re going to take away an entire system that it somehow won’t apply to them is STAGGERING.

I love the hypocrisy. “Fake news” when it’s about Trump, but every insidious thing written about Hillary was “absolutely true!”

Like many in America, she’s simply sold her soul for money. And to be able to look at herself in the mirror requires a total removal from reality or a deeply disturbed rationalization.

I’d amend that to say being the PR person for pretty much anyone, political or otherwise. The whole job of a PR person is to bullshit everything no matter how vile or disgraceful it is.

I hope it was something like this.

The GOP answer is to just work 2 or 3 jobs rather than get a raise or a livable federal minimum wage. Who needs sleep?

Any person who has become “successful” has done so on the backs of others be they employees or customers. It isn’t asking too much of those who’ve made it to pay it forward.

Because those who make less money should not have to pay the same or more in taxes than those making far more. The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few.


The problem with that is that those workers who choose not to be part of the union and pay their dues are still covered by the union without paying for it, which ultimately weakens and will eventually destroy the union.

In my experience, it’s a very subtle difference. However, the biggest indicator is one will be pretty slippery and the other will feel far less so.

It absolutely can happen. However, I’ve never had the experience of bumping into the wrong hole and causing pain. It was more of a “Hey, that doesn’t feel quite right” followed by a “You’re in the wrong hole.”

That is EXACTLY what I thought! I opened the article and was like “I don’t see a chili dog anywhere.”

RAM soldered to the motherboard? Never seen that.

I am of the mind Caldwell should be canned if they don’t make it to at least the championship game.

Very useful advice. It can be difficult to accept the way things are at times, but acknowledging that there is a personal limit to how much you can control is key to gaining wisdom.