
I’ve always found it disgusting when any media outlet is subservient to any given corporation or business (ESPN in particular with their constant softballing of NFL shenanigans). Kudos to Kotaku for continuing to act as an objective source and not a de facto marketing wing for any video game publisher. The pen is

If it wasn’t in the game, it should be reviewed after. That could’ve caused some serious injury.

That’s true. Probably just have to settle for the swarm of bad publicity UPS is getting right now.

Would there be a legal case to be made against UPS for this entire ordeal?

I didn’t buy the game. And even if the guy hadn’t put it up for auction, I would still have had no problem with it being sold for $200. High markup, yes. But no one was being forced to buy it. If no one wanted to pay that much for it, it would not have sold for that price. I would not have paid that high for it

That just goes to show that sometimes even the smartest people can say the dumbest things.

That is pretty awful. I’ve never received a package in all the years I’ve been buying online that came that badly mangled.

It’s worth whatever someone’s willing to pay for it. Nothing dickish about it.

Fascinating read. I didn’t know there were people who specialized in operating teleprompters. I always thought those were automated.

Yeah, but what do you expect out of the Cowboys? They’ve been garbage for a long time. I don’t even know why they’re still referred to as “America’s Team”.

It doesn’t look like it was intentional. It looked to me like the tackler overestimated his position and went lower than he was intending to.

Fellow Lions fan here. Hate to say it, but they’re playing for next season at this point. Can’t wait to see what head coach they’ll dig up next year.

What’s most disturbing to me is the number of pure idiots who will agree with him. Those are the people who get to vote!

I like how Rollins wasn’t even fazed. He glances at the guy and just keeps on moving like nothing was even happening.

The macho football culture demands that if you ain’t dead or paralyzed, you get on the field.

Even if true, that does not justify the use of potentially lethal injury.

I have to think there will be some criminal charges being filed about this. Those 2 hits were no accidents. They were with intent to injure a non-participant.

Most DLC these days seem to be superfluous stuff that is neither necessary nor compelling. And that’s disappointing because the potential of DLC can be so high.

That will never, ever happen in this Bible-thumping country.

Using that kind of obtuse logic would mean that no job should have to have any safety regulations or requirements since grown men can decide what to do with their bodies even if it kills them.