I feel the same way after watching a Browns game.
And that’s the most aggression you will see out of the Rams all season long.
I must disagree. Dilbert is centered around an office job, but many of the things it lampoons are found in nearly every job. Garfield and Dilbert both have some hit and miss moments, but there’s no such thing as a strip that’s constantly funny. For example, I’ve read several of The Far Side books and I rarely came…
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly regular folks are willing to screw themselves royally in order to appease the billionaires.
I don’t think most jobs have contracts. The only things that your job could monitor are things sent using corporate e-mails/phones/internet. Outside of things supplied by the company, they can’t monitor anything else. Now, my job had a paper employees were supposed to have signed stating that we would not disparage or…
I wouldn’t have minded that if they stopped the match very briefly to give medical attention. In any other sporting event play is stopped if someone is injured.
His in-ring work over the last few months has improved a good deal. Cena matches still tend to be predictable, but not as boring as they used to be.
I hope so. Absolutely no one wants to see another Cena WWE title reign. The main event picture is fine without him in it. Let him have a title match, build up Rollins, and then exit without the belt. Cena needs to stay right where he is. He’s tolerable helping build younger guys.
I’m not really a Gundam fan, but that is freakin’ AWESOME!!
He’s been fine largely since he was moved out of the world title picture and I think that’s where he needs to stay at this point in his career. He would gain nothing from holding the world title again. Working with up and coming guys and letting others guys with more longevity crowd the main event scene is the better…
It’s okay to be a total shit bag as long as you go to church on Sundays.
This made me laugh. For every up there’s a down. One man’s good fortune is another man’s misfortune.
Nope, nope. It just means that those who opt to work in the food service industry need to work 3 different jobs to make it up. You know, bootstraps and such.
Bayley would probably have been called up if she wasn’t hurt. That said, they could always run a storyline later with her joining the main roster and forming the 4 Horsewomen stable.
Agreed. I’m no Cena guy, but his matches with the US title have been among his best or at least most entertaining. He’s great right where he is with building up the lesser titles and leaving others to fill the main event scene. The only bad thing about his open challenges is the fact that you already knew the finishes…
The Paul Heyman/Cesaro pairing never quite worked the way it should’ve. Having Heyman constantly reminding people about the guy who was never there regularly worked against building up Cesaro. Ending the pairing was better in the long run.
I think the marketing message was bungled from the very beginning. When they first announced it, they showed only the Gamepad which led many to believe it was an addition for the Wii and not its own console. The Wii U nomenclature was also poorly conceived, I felt.
It was a nice idea, but there’s really very little to play for it outside of Nintendo’s own games.The complete lack of third party support has killed it.
Was the collapsing building that killed Bruce Wayne’s family implied to have been something that happened during the end of Man of Steel? Or is it a different event that hasn’t been shown yet?