The Door Wizard

My 2017 MDX Sport Hybrid is fantastic.  A Type-S hybrid, however, would be AMAZING.

Max Hardigrew Car Mysteries.

I don’t know how I feel about this. I recently traded in my turbo Flex, which was facing a $7,000 repair bill, for a 2017 MDX Sport Hybrid, and I think that it’s the coolest thing ever. It’s rare enough to be interesting while looking common enough to blend in. It smokes the Flex on every measure of performance, with

Any *rough* idea when your novel will be ready?  Because I need something to read, and *someone* hasn't posted a new Max Hardigrew mystery in FOREVER.

Yeah, but can an AI write a Max Haridgrew adventure?


I have a 6-digit, all-numeric vanity plate.  No way that this will catch me.  And it caught me on Facebook.  

This is better than any Max Haridgrew mystery.

Reading this got me more excited than the it’s-never-coming-is-it next Max Haridgrew mystery.

I kind of want to put this headline into my Cards Against Humanity Deck.


I didn’t know that this existed until one was in front of me on the road a few days ago. I almost wrecked the entire road.

I was thinking The Citizens' Motorcar Company.

YOU--very specifically YOU--really should come to Dayton and spend a few days tripping over our cool things.

True, but I refuse to accept that "fact" into my heart.

Alright, hear me out:  Dodge has a Hellcat sports car in the Challenger and a Hellcat sedan in the Charger.  Ford has a GT500 sports car in the Mustang but doesn't make sedans anymore.  Sooooo...GT500 FORD FLEX PLEASE?!?!!?!?!

I approve!

Turbo Flex.  My daughter, who's almost 3, knows to *scream*, "TURBO!" when we're getting on the highway.

If Ford brings back the Aerostar with styling unique enough to be interesting, like the Flex has, and EcoBoosts it in an impractical but giggle-inducing way, I'll buy one.  DO YOU HEAR ME, FORD?  I'll pay even more for it if you make it a performance PHEV with usable electric-only range.

Before I read this, on a scale of 1 to 10, how disappointed will I be when I get to the end without coming upon a single Max Haridgrew harpooning anecdote?