You can't punt a schtick. It's an intangible noun. Not sure if that answers your question.
You can't punt a schtick. It's an intangible noun. Not sure if that answers your question.
Terrible choice of nickname. His teammates are really going to resent him the first time they hear that he's in the house.
Good point, although maybe more damning of Corker.
"Hey, Sochi is close to Georgia and it's almost April!!!!" I can't wait to meet Hootie Johnson!
I realize this is an old story, but as someone who worked there I just wanted to clear up the misconception: that is not Loren Nancarrow, it's one of the producers at KUSI. It's one instance of a long-time running gag that people finally noticed, at what turned out to be the worst possible time.
Jane, you ignorant slut.
"You guys are adorable."
Nice to see a US shoot out that doesn't involve a school.
He said he saw a picture of himself from last year wearing that same hoodie and it made him Grimace.
so wait, did Oddibe really have to pay those water bills
The way this site works is that we expect that linking to articles about a guy, embedding a video about him, and mentioning that he's fought on the local circuits and is a former training partner of an Olympic wrestling captain should provide our readers, who we don't think are total fucking morons, enough context to…
"Yes! They finally come with extra long sleeves!"
What kind of a Dbag do you have to be to take something called "Sizzurp" anyway?
For a safe alternative, turn to Prescott Pharmaceuticals.
*drag race
The funny thing is that those are Dwight Howard's kids.
Even after Hansen's motivational speech, the Cowboys were still afraid to tackle other men.
If Paul Zimmerman were still capable, one can imagine him walking up to Peter King, punching him in the face, then sipping a nice zinfandel, smoking a cigar, and saying, "THAT'S journalism, you fat fuck."
Nick Denton: [Reads blueandorange93's comment]