
Yeah, where'd the amendment that kept the insurance companies involved come from? Republican Bob Bennett, who still didn't vote for the bill after they incorporated his amendment. It was meant as sabotage and it's a nice little subsidy to his crony capitalist friends.

It's very hard to reel in deficit spending, as it carries some momentum. Obama has done that, but inheriting a roughly (going from memory here) 2 trillion dollar war and the largest deficit ever, in the middle of a major financial collapse, and still cutting deficit spending in the succeeding years is actually

It's funny, for a guy that's not a "repug" you sure use all their "facts" in place of actual facts. Also, insurance signups outpaced expectations just this last month. But don't worry about looking stuff like that up.

Being obstructed when he tries to do these things is sort of what separates the Rs and Ds. The Rs block the Ds on social issues so that their base keeps them in power to get their way on economic issues. This isn't a new pattern, you're just apparently blaming the people being interfered with rather than the people

First of all, you wrote Bush when you meant Obama. Not exactly confidence inspiring to rant that much about what Bush has done the last few years, he's mostly been painting pretty pictures and going jogging. Secondly, I'd challenge you to support any of this with factual information instead of soundbytes from Fox or

They may be equally captured on economic matters (and I'll give you that for the sake of argument). But republicans boils down to exclusionary ideas that are why I, relatively recently, stopped being a conservative. As a white guy from a well-off family, it seemed like republicans made a lot of sense when I was in a

I bet you expect better than this out of a server at a restaurant, and they don't necessarily make $55 in a day (and certainly not for 3 hours of work).

repeating what I said above, but when it's refs, that's not much, but when it's what someone making minimum wage makes in a day, it's enough to raise a family.

Since the OP is rationalizing based on how little they make, we should also keep in mind that $55 is right about what someone makes for a full day's work at minimum wage.

Come on, anyone from Florida will tell you that there's no raysism there.

It was the equivalent of the tuck rule game though... we didn't deserve that goal getting called off.

That's a good start. The next step is to make one.

I think he's calling him undisciplined, like he's out of his lanes, etc.

I wish this was a joke. Instead, it's the reason I don't watch ESPN anymore.

I really with there was a middle finger icon next to the stars, so I could more easily tell you and everyone like you that keeps misunderstanding who is and isn't allowed to restrain your speech (hint - just the government) to fuck right off.

By keep it in the states, I assume you mean keep it in the HOF in Toronto except when it gets rolled out to be won by teams consisting of mostly Canadian players that happen to play in American cities, so that those players can take it to their (mostly Canadian) hometowns after they win. I'm not Canadian, just really

car/pro/sam is my best guess. He's not funny because he's inhaled too many exhaust fumes and is probably borderline illiterate.

I grew up in Buffalo, so I crossed the border a ton as a kid for hockey games and a ton more as an older kid to get drunk... If I could talk my wife into it, we'd probably have already moved to Vancouver because it's an amazing place. I'm fully aware of the size and scope of your country, just not aware of a single

A recent Norris trophy winner has been a healthy scratch. Subban could end up in the HOF too.

Isn't it more like "soury"?