Ripken's mom got snatched in Baltimore County not the city. Get it right Drew.
Ripken's mom got snatched in Baltimore County not the city. Get it right Drew.
That fake made every player on both teams stop.
I see Tdog too.. Lol
+1 Blatant badge engineering
Shut the fuck up you broke ass Robert Mugabe looking motherfucker
It’s amazing how a dead 5 inch mouse can smell like a full size dead body.
Nice pick. Snipes has too much baggage at this point. My only problem is that they should have picked a younger actor.
We are in trouble. Lebatard is making sense.
I have the right to say Cheetolini, Chester the molester and any use of the name.
Fake passport = flight risk
Now if the cop pulled his gun and fired on his fat ass he would have been truly justified for being in fear for his life. But he would still have been the one in the wrong because he is black.
Don’t forget the fucking apples. In chicken salad, Really?
I had to un grey you. I’ve seen this before and every public education history book used today is influenced by the shit they did.
And here’s Abe Shinzo with a record first catch of this years whale hunt.
This is Boston being Boston. Where a group of people who was previously derided, demeaned and vilified, who are now part of the power structure by skin color alone and use it like a club on anyone else. And sprinkle in the religious side of it you have some seriously messed up people running around.
What are her qualifications?
They are going to get someone killed. They are going to run up in the wrong house ( with their accurate info)and the occupants will resist because they will think its a home invasion. This is going to be ugly.
And his son damn near killed his mother ( his ex wife) by beating her with a bat and this asshole defended him by saying she harassed him for 3 hours. Yep a person cheetolini likes to have around him. Smh