That is one handsome car. Just enough cues to let you that it is a VW group vehicle.
That is one handsome car. Just enough cues to let you that it is a VW group vehicle.
I don’t know I would agree with you about us seeing this car. With Ford and GM bowing out of the car building market something has to fill the vacuum. The Japanese builders already know that and that is why VW is sniffing around at Ford’s soon to be idle factories to suck up the ready made infrastructure and just…
Can you say “indentured servitude”?
Somebody is going to buy this as a parts car just for the body.
I’m going to print the cover out on a wide format printer and make a poster out of this. Nice!
Just one of many crimes on his list. He hires immigrants at all of his properties and he uses the work visa lottery to hire white eastern Europeans at his dump in Florida. And he under pays them too. He will not hire US citizen service workers because they will push back against his bullshit!
+1 for meme setup
This is a gangster move (pun intended) that foreign builders can step into.
You know somebody is going to have some subtle shade against that idiot in their speech.
She is the wrong color to be doing this. Please don’t become a case study in NY state laws.
As a thought experiment the variables are endless. Most departments and fed agencies that officer or agent works for your off time is an illusion and these people are always ‘on’. And I think you mean a “Oh shit! I have just fucked up.” scenario
No cop is ever off duty if they are carrying their weapon. So lets kill that noise.
That guy has to pay all of the $8,000,000 in damages as restitution not just a part of it.
Harry Turtledove just stole your idea for his next book titled " Y'all assholes didn't get the Message! "
I going to keep repeating myself. “ Give this man a damn Pulitzer! ”
The madness of Orange Julius continues. Let's see his comeback to this comment.
Dammit! Now the original song is stuck in my head.
They were cannon fodder. A dry run to see the reaction of the public. And props to the locals who showed restraint, that more than anything surprised me.
This fool has green frog behind him in his courtroom. Alt right asshole right here!
This is the standard reaction of a petty asshole.