
Wasn't that song about Budd Dwyer?

The Die Hard sequels were done that way.

The Nazis didn't just convince the NYT's sources. There were Jews that voted for Hitler based on his other policies; they also thought he was just kidding about the anti-semitism.

By 1933, they were barely holding on to power and had to look presentable.

"Harassment of individuals, the obstruction of cars, and disruptions to business are to be put to an absolute stop …" - Adolf Hitler, 1933.

People didn't think the Nazis were genuine either. They thought Hitler was just kidding about all that Jew stuff, that he should be taken seriously but not literally.

Road Dahl was a raging anti-semite, so fair to assume he was an asshole in other ways. Your dad was in the right on this one.

Indeed, the most powerful man on Earth is the original Affluenza-inflicted idiot scion.

I can see how it could come across as that, so no problem.

Indeed. All the implants do is reduce the chances of people becoming that one farmer guy with some empathy. We don't really need them otherwise.

I loved how the ordinary civilians didn't have the mass implant, but still considered the others roaches all the same. We don't need implants to dehumanize.

Zero to turd in one comment, over a joke about how Black Mirror's worst episode also turned out to be one of its most prescient.

Yup, they did.


The episode all but confirmed that they would eventually get bored of San Junipero. The writers showed great restraint in leaving on a high note.

I figured the cake deliverer was in the closet, coming from a religious family.

Agreed about The Waldo Moment being mediocre.

IIRC he tried to shoot first, but the gun fired blanks.

Easier, yes. More effective, no.

Photoshop a little red into that Frozen picture and it become a little macabre.