
Its fun. I don’t mind the mechanics and the gacha part to get riders and karts... But I know I’ll quickly quit this game the moment they allow in app purchases. Not because of the gacha style of f2p... But the fact that you can buy tickets to get items in the match when you used up all your current items. Having a p2w

Sure... If you're a tiny little man boy. 

And of course someone makes it a nationalist issue and not a racially offensive one. Sorry sweetie but just because your country doesn't see something as racist, doesn't mean it isn't. You don't get to make that decision. The targeted minority does. 

That Watanabe is nothing but a Wannabe

Can I just say how I love how “SJW” is used as an insult... Like, yea I promote and fight for social justice... Why would that ever be an insult?

Plenty of games, and even Pokemon itself, discuss these issues but it is “hidden” behind fantasy or science fiction elements. So it’s fine if an alien falls in love with a human and they have an interspecies romance, but the same fan would never fathom being ok with same sex marriages.

I bet your mom bakes some really hard cookies, because you choked on that run!

Hopefully sold separately. Mario Maker is one of those games that you want digitally. Something you want quick and easy access to. Like Smash and Animal Crossing (if that ever comes out)

I like how she apologized to those who were offended. She can’t apologize for her ignorance. Just apologize for those who are offended by her ignorance. Let me guess, she follows Tomi Lahren. 

Im sorry but when was the last time that black face was socially acceptable?

This is a bit too much for me on a first date. While I'm generally open with my finances and spending/saving habits with friends and even strangers on the internet... I don't think I would want share, or have someone share with me this sort of information on the first date. Let me see if I even like their personality

Ah, the right wing hypocrites have joined the fray. Too worried about being anti-political correctness to have an ounce of normal compassion for other humans who share a common interest.

Because we trust our government to manage billions in free money?... You must be from Europe I'm assuming...

I mean he isn't that rich if he can't make a stadium a la Hunger Games style. Notify me when a rich person does something cool. 

So first you guys won’t read our resumes. You let a system parse them for you first and only have them send you the “most qualified”... Now you're upset by something that has been a standard in the interview process because it is too much for you to be bothered with... Ffs.

Yea. That's a vastly different scenario to sending one to a hiring manager after an interview.

Youre comparing deaths that aren't generally preventable to a communicable disease. When you put measles or any other disease that has a vaccination in the same category as car accidents and school shootings, then you clearly have lost the argument, as you have no legitimate argument. And I'm not even going to touch

Realistic is not negative. Realistic is not cynical. Blindly accepting a potentially flawed product is just typical Nintendo fanboyism... Nothing new to that. 

That’s your concern? How about actually controlling the game? It is one thing to play bite sized mini games with the weird headset... But full on BotW is going to be so uncomfortable the way this headset is designed.