
A Nintendo game catering to the Japanese audience by providing exclusive in game content... Nothing new here... except the defense before was region locking... Clearly not the case anymore. But that fan boys will still defend the practice. Which sucks in a competitive game like Splatoon and Pokemon

Using points for gift cards works. I don’t travel so there is no value in airmiles for me... But discounted gift cards sure have value to me. 

Basically what Valve has done over the years... 

I think it’s absurd for us gamers to claim to be the master race of gaming because the PC has the better hardware, the better graphics and has such an open system... And yet tie ourselves down to one platform. Having several mbs of data for a new launcher isn’t going to affect my PCs performance. I don’t keep any

I don't like to assume. The idiom tied to that word is generally on point. 

So this is where I have a disconnect with the restaurant industry vs retail sales... I am not going to compare the jobs, in terms of who does more... But the same issues that a server encounters with their wage can extend to a sales associate working commission at the mall. Low wages. Potential theft in wages from

Am I the only one wondering how he extracted the gender (and sexual orientation) of the poster from that comment to come up with “double standard?”

You lose all privacy once you sign up for Grindr. They sell your personal identifiable data. From your email, phone number, and device ID to your profile info, such as HIV status. So no matter how discreet you want to be or think you have been, your data was sold.

The one Kickstarter I can get behind. 

This. There are 3 types of people. People who play Pokemon. People obsessed with Pokemon. People who don't give a fuck about Pokemon. 

Huge selling point for my business. Crazy how some businesses, and just general communities, are affected so negatively with vandalism and unkind behavior, while others are affected positively.

Uh... Evo has integrity? Since when? 

This first year has been so rough if you’re a long time DC fan. Essentially paid $75 for 3 show so far. The comic selection is just too old and whenever they put up something I’m interested in they pull it so quickly. The movies were available through other subscriptions over the years, and the modern ones I own...

Easier? No. Equally as easy...

You do realize that the conservatives, who tend to be a religious bunch, are trying to overthrow those same federal laws right? Just because we currently have those laws doesn't mean they won't strip them away. That's one thing I've learned with them people... They will defend the Constitution in regards to their

Yea. I dug deeper into all of this. Instantly deleted app and left a negative review. It's not cool at all. I understand wanting to lower payroll expenses, but this is not the way it should be done. Back to spending my Monday evenings shopping at the grocery store IRL.

I have never bothered to watch him either, but he is a famous person in the gaming community... Therefore someone I'm familiar with because ... I am on this website.... That posts video game content... As are you...

All of which could take his entire life. Depending on local laws there is a cap on garnishments for non-child support related debt... Where he would be paying pennies per paycheck. And who’s to say he owns a home and doesn’t rent? Or live in their parents home.

Well you came out guns ablazing... And y'all call liberals "triggered"... Sit your communist ass down before you choke on your propaganda.

Money they will never see.