
Yea I kind of hate that... It sucks. Like I work in property management and I help people through their whole move in process, making sure everything goes smooth, assisting them throughout the year, and do I get a holiday bonus? Nope. Because I’m seen as an office worker. Meanwhile, the super who gets paid more than

I have rarely seen people not emote in Fortnite after a death... Especially one when you’re carrying lots of loot, or where you presumed you were in a safe spot.

Yea. Recent societal events have proven that racism and misogyny are not dying away with each passing generation as many had hoped.

Can we talk about the rivals interior? You have two people living in a two floor home and yet there is not a door to a bedroom or stairs to the second floor... So apparently your rival and his sister just live in the living room/kitchen. 

I wanted to love this game... Then BETA came out and was less excited... Then they announced this stupid promo with that woman-hating weirdo... Cancelled it so fast. I’ll save my $200. Clearly I’m not their demographic.

Yea... Condoms are cheaper. Especially when you get them for free through so many avenues. 

50 Cent a little bitch. Bet he wouldn’t try that shit with me. Bet he couldn’t give me that money! Gap tooth punk. Come see me 50! 

I never understood why people allow themselves to over draft. It is by far the most expensive loan you can take out. It is beyond irresponsible. First thing you should do wth a bank account is set it up so you’re declined if you feel that you are going to be under $100 at any point. And trust me, this isn't a classist

Zorua/Zoroark was initially only obtainable as an event... But apparently not considered mythic.

Theyre currently in a weakened state due to global warming. But when they primal evolve, they regain the true powers!

So Zorua really isn't a legendary? How disappointing. 

What does "expy" mean? I get it from context but never heard of that word...

How original. A console vs PC argument. As a person who owns all 3 consoles and a gaming PC, this PC Master race agenda is tiring and old. Move on grandpa.

Ok but when you bought the original and not the remaster you get sol?

Why pay for QA when we can get our customers to buy the game and do it for us?”

So my coworker went on a job interview at Amazon directly (not a contractor) yesterday... They are still offering $13.50/hour... So... When is this kicking in?

Thats not Prime. That's Prime and HBO... Hulu has that feature too. As do a few other subscription services like YouTube TV. You're getting two services, one at a discounted price... So not fair to compair them that way. 

If you think that all major network television is predominantly awful, you’d be in the minority. These are highly regarded shows with awards that mean a lot for the industry, and ratings to boot.

What a joke of a statistic this is. 

When the victim welcomes an official investigation, and the accused refuses... It certainly makes you think, regardless of your opinion on the case or what side of the political line you're on.