
You need to understand what the constitution is. And what each amendment actually means before spouting uneducated replies like these... I feel sorry for any lawyers who game as a hobby and have to read ignorant replies. They must have a permanent hand to their forehead when their on gaming sites.

Did you ever consider that not all black people listen to Kanye or Drake? And that perhaps that not all black people are ok with the use of the n word in music, let alone repeated by people rapping those songs? Meanwhile those black people can’t control a whole industry, therefore have no say in whether or not that

Or I can have my guests speak out a song of their choice... Or cast a song from their phone... I mean, I don’t have friends who come over to play music, but I imagine those two options would be better options over creating an NFC card system with a limited choice of options...

I actually find them helpful.

So. Many. Typos. Was this breaking news or something? I feel like this is really old news that didn’t warrant an unedited article.

“Using well-known hacking techniques”

Dnt care about the PC news... But since we are talking about PC, let’s talk their PC desktop client for MTGO. It’s dated as fuck. It’s still Windows only. Which is fine for me, but they should definitely change that. Mac, Linux, most modern phones can handle the game... I mean they made higher quality restricted

Everyday up until March 8, 2018: “Amiibos are stupid, ugly and cheap toys that Nintendo uses to sell DLC.”

The issue with that is people (and not all, so please don’t jump down my throat) can’t manage finances. Just because your wage jumps to $15/hr from minimum, doesn’t mean these same people who are struggling won’t continue. I see this regularly. They’ll burn through the excess like its free money. I could more than

Just curious... What would the end goal be? Perhaps my murican side is coming out, but what really would you suggest our government do?

I’ve already done all of this last year. Prior to all of the NRA talk. Amazon is scummy. Has been, always will be. It was no easy feat to replace some of my beloved content... Especially services Amazon ate up, like Comixology but it can be done... However I would take you more seriously if there weren’t so many

And yet we live in a society that is paranoid when corporations want to turn us into data graphs and points

I haven’t even turned on my Switch since the news broke out. I’m so scared to lose all of my Switch memories! I don’t want my memories stolen from me! :(

I would hate it if it bothered me what some random research group labeled me as. Generational monikers are jokes.

I don’t understand... Even if they had no ToS to break, it’s their site. Their platform. Their service. They have the right to turn away a customer. I mean if right wing conservatives can turn away homosexuals from buying cakes, which is an actual discriminatory act, then I think a site can ban a user without reason.

Hadn’t even considered this... I’ve only lost my phone once... And that was back in the sidekick days. Definitely will keep a physical copyof my codes in my wallet. I do have them throughout multiple online apps but iirc all would need 2FA to access from an unfamiliar device.

It’s 2018 and I can’t even comprehend what you are trying to say here...

People always talk smack about homeless people with phones, but I think it’s one of the most essential things a homeless person could have during hard times.

Is the policy that they can’t review their own games (which is understandable but I still don’t think it warrants complete removal of their entire library) or that they can’t create multiple accounts per person and posting multiple reviews (now this I can totally side with Valve for banning them)

I kind of feel bad. Because he has a point. He wasn’t exactly threatening their jobs, but was stating what a likely scenario would be without some reviews generating some interest. As long as he wasn’t threatening to fire people I don’t think it is too terrible. Obviously still against ToS, but it changes the whole