
I love my FedEx drivers. UPS on the other hand... They don’t even try.

I thought this was pretty common knowledge. I manage a 130 unit lucury building and I get complaints as if I run Amazon. It’s absurd. I personally have this issue myself. And it even states on their website to wait 2-3 days to see if the package shows up. This was why I cancelled Prime. If they can’t deliver my orders

Because being blind isn’t horrible? Pretty sure most blind people would prefer to have sight. Either way you, as a typical online troll, twist his wording to attack him on his “insensitivity” towards blind people. Try a little harder next time.

That’s a poor comparison. You’re a child trading food for toys. You werent exactly making a profit, even if the toy was worth more than the pudding. You had no intention to sell said toy for money.

It took me like two because I would go to level a subjob and then fall in love with that job so level that jobs subjob and repeat lol... But it was so worth the time. The stories were great. The community wasn’t as toxic until after ToAU. Was just overall a good time.

Yup. Or pink birds... But is it any different than completing the same raids in XIV dozens upon dozens of times to level up or Destiny 2s content. That’s what most online games are nowadays. Just running the same content and killing the same enemies over and over until you level up or get your drop. Video gaming ftw.

How bizarre... It’s a common feature in a lot of applications. It’s not as if Twitter created the term ”direct message”

Why are you people lending friends money if it’s so bad that you would consider sending them to collections? Maybe it’s just my friends and I, but we don’t lend or ask for money. We cover each other’s meals and/or drinks when we go out... But that’s about it.

Because everyone on the planet should know about every single niche fanboyism? I’m really not seeing the logic in the article. You’re expecting someone running a multi million dollar business to know every single trend in their platform? He’s not the NSA. He runs a legitimate business.

Don’t worry... I got mine a day late as well... And it wasn’t even worth it. The game isn’t that good. I mean it’s a pokemon game, but it’s really not worth the price tag if you’ve already played through this generation once before.

But... They have full control over the release of their game on their digital store... Either they release it worldwide at the exact same time or they need to stop with flagging innocent people.

1. Work over personal life.

As someone who is on the internet... And who only uses Twitter for social media... And this thing... I have never heard of a Drill...

Black people are both too sensitive and hypocritical when it benefits them. Why am I not shocked by these accusations? Not only are they the first to judge other minorities but they are quick to call the ACLU for a pay day.

I get it... This is a pro black site used to create a voice for the community. But... This is a prostitute. Regardless of his class, gender, or ethnicity, he was doing something dangerous and illegal. There is no reason we should focus on his death. We have black (and other ethnic and non ethnic) people getting killed

I was hoping for something on the Pixelbook... Even if it were a gift with purchase.

That’s an absurd opinion. Many actors who have spoken about things, who have been vocal and critical towards others, have had nothing to do with these scandals. You can’t blame an entire industry of working people because of a dozen or so people. You can’t do that with DC. You cant do that with SV. Or WS. Nor should

Statostics have shown that hetersexual men are more prone to sexual assault on minors of either sex. But I’m sure there is a conspiracy theory somewhere to debunk those statistics? Right?

So a man sexually assaulting your underage son/brother/male friendis worse than a man sexually assaulting your underage daughter/sister/female friend?

No one was ever supposed to eat Papa John’s. Dude, 7/11 has better pizza... Even if you eat the ones that are sitting out all day.