As someone who is on the internet... And who only uses Twitter for social media... And this thing... I have never heard of a Drill...
As someone who is on the internet... And who only uses Twitter for social media... And this thing... I have never heard of a Drill...
Black people are both too sensitive and hypocritical when it benefits them. Why am I not shocked by these accusations? Not only are they the first to judge other minorities but they are quick to call the ACLU for a pay day.
I get it... This is a pro black site used to create a voice for the community. But... This is a prostitute. Regardless of his class, gender, or ethnicity, he was doing something dangerous and illegal. There is no reason we should focus on his death. We have black (and other ethnic and non ethnic) people getting killed…
I was hoping for something on the Pixelbook... Even if it were a gift with purchase.
That’s an absurd opinion. Many actors who have spoken about things, who have been vocal and critical towards others, have had nothing to do with these scandals. You can’t blame an entire industry of working people because of a dozen or so people. You can’t do that with DC. You cant do that with SV. Or WS. Nor should…
Statostics have shown that hetersexual men are more prone to sexual assault on minors of either sex. But I’m sure there is a conspiracy theory somewhere to debunk those statistics? Right?
So a man sexually assaulting your underage son/brother/male friendis worse than a man sexually assaulting your underage daughter/sister/female friend?
No one was ever supposed to eat Papa John’s. Dude, 7/11 has better pizza... Even if you eat the ones that are sitting out all day.
You can’t comment on someone’s race for every single thing. It just doesn’t make sense.
Accurate portrayal of an Italian mans penis.
Why do so many people act as if it’s a race thing. That only white people act bad on camera? We see plenty of Hispanic, black, Muslim videosof similar and worse content. I understand that what is done in this video is horrible and racist and agree that these kids should get punished for what they did, but the comments…
I don’t really think I would equate it to the Bixby fiasco. Anyone buying a pixel is buying a pixel for a pure Android experience. Someone who bought an S8/± (like myself), likely bought an S8/+ because ofthe design and quality. I hate that Samsung tries to force you to get into their ecosystem. They should just focus…
I don’t recall needing a system transfer on 360... Even with that red ring issue that was going on.
Yup. You have to consider their generation as well. If they are older they just may see it as shorthand, unlike most millennials (I am guilty of this) who will dissect every single letter and contraction and emoji (though emojis aren’t usually in work text) ... So it is most definitely something to consider and not…
I used to make about $10/month... But it seems to have died down a lot. Most of the time it was just questions asking to confirm if I was at Wells Fargo because there a branch at the train station to work... But that’s about it really. I get like 1 question a month now.
Imagine if they took that energy and cheated in real life. Theyd be so successful
I commend them for taking a serious stance. Even if it’s as extreme as litigating a video game hacker.
Well if you switch to Project Fi you won’t even need to buy a Sim for most other countries since the service works in over 130 countries... And for the US, its price is cheaper than most competitors.
Look, I love Goosip Girl... But I am sick and tired of people trying to compare every show with GG because of any small similarity. Henry is nowhere near being close to Daniel Humphrey. Don’t try to compare them.
It’s their last season. Who cares at this point? Shit dropped off after season 4. Writers ruined this show.