Johnny's Club Foot

Half the Boston sports fans I know are unaware that Vermont and New Hampshire are separate states. Fuck those guys, and go Pats!

Yeah, I saw the words “wring it out to at least 3,000 rpm” and immediately thought, “dude, you’re doing it wrong.”

Right! Too often, people on the right love to point out the paradox, mistakenly believe that they’ve found something illogical in your position, and then sit there looking all proud of themselves while you get increasingly frustrated trying to explain the difference. It basically boils down to “you’re wrong because

A paradox but not a logical fallacy, at least no more so than any of Zeno’s paradoxes.

The dude publically guaranteed a Chargers win. Hang his head up on the trophy room wall next to Freddie Mitchell's.

In true Patriots fan fashion, I’m just as excited to see Shawne Merriman get roasted on Twitter as I am to see my team win.

I’d argue that it’s a “false equivalency” to try to make the case that undocumented immigrants are dangerous on the basis of individual anecdotes rather than a proper data set demonstrating that they commit more violent crimes than citizens on a per-capita basis. If we made as much noise about every single last murder

Would absolutely love it with a third pedal.

We need our media outlets to start running stories every time a white citizen commits a murder. Lead off the national newscasts with it, every time. Even if it consumes all of your broadcast time.

I bet the ratings were great, though.

Word of advice - in technical arguments, it would be smarter to avoid the “oh yeah, well I have a bachelor’s degree in ...” card, because it makes you sound like a moron. You might be right about the other stuff, for all I know, but that’s a sure loser.

Hey! Is that a new Genesis G90 in the background?

Eugene nails the juxtaposition:

I think I may have seen it too... maybe we were in the same part of the north Atlantic?

My approach to handling the expense: I got snows mounted on the steelies my car came with (General Altimax Arctics, good snow tires but cheap, used to be sold as Gislaveds) and bought a set of alloys with summer tires for the summer. That way I can change them over (and rotate them at the same time) myself and I don’t

Yeah, the idea that somehow nobody’s gonna get pureed by those blades strikes me as being a little fanciful.

I was just thinking, the next time any of your more politically conservative antagonists attempt to get under your skin with any comment including the word “butthurt,” you and anyone else has a moral obligation to remind that dumb motherfucker of the true definition of the term, i.e., this story.

I wonder what he’d think of Rt. 8 through Connecticut. One drive through there and I was ready to embrace our self-driving future.

No, no, no. Dude. You will get crappy service at your local dealership because it’s fucking dealership. For fuck’s sake.

Agreed. Even in more recent terms: I was recently the victim of a new Ford Escape that I had to rent while my 2009 Rabbit S was getting its tranny rebuilt. I was amazed at the progress that’s been made in the last 10 years. Somehow they’ve learned to make cars that are much larger on the outside while being much