An an ESL teacher in Japan, I can attest to the unqualified teacher abundance. It doesn't help that a large portion of foreign teachers return home after 1 year. This cycle of bad teachers coming and going just repeats itself every year.
An an ESL teacher in Japan, I can attest to the unqualified teacher abundance. It doesn't help that a large portion of foreign teachers return home after 1 year. This cycle of bad teachers coming and going just repeats itself every year.
Despite not having watched the Shippuden anime past the Garra kidnapping arc (ie; the first 15 episodes) I decided to Youtube the Pein fight since it's one of the better fights in the manga. What I got was roughly 50 minutes of the most bizarre animation I've ever seen. Pein's face frequently dissolves into some weird…
"The prospect of a darker, Apocalypse Now-influenced Call of Duty game feel a little bit intriguing." So... Spec Ops: The Line? Terrific game.
Remember when rumors were swirling about a Call of Duty game set during the Vietnam War?
And then there are the extremely petite adult characters who could pass for someone underage and is actually something that happens in real life(there ARE grown women who physically look like they should be in like middle school or something). Becomes a hard thing to judge just by looking at the images.
Fresh from Reddit:
Well, you'd be surprised what can happen, many big empires have fallen over the centuries that looked untouchable before, the US may fall as well one day as a superower, most likely with the day the dollar collapses (which is pretty much the only thing keeping the debt-based US-economy alive: The power to infinitely…
I really wish Homefront's backstory made more sense beyond " if this and this and this and this were to happen in this exact way, then maybe North Korea could do something like this."
Crytek has finally revealed what it’s doing with Homefront, THQ’s last stab at a big-budget shooter: it’s turning it…
Nah. That's real. That's what he had to resort to when you stopped believing in him, you ungrateful little bastard.
The same way Animaniacs got away with it's "Finger Prince" gag?
What the WHAT?!
In the last thirty years, there have been (by my count) 59 games, mods, or betas featuring a setting from World War…
Well, if there is any fanbase mature enough to handle gender equality....