My oldest actually preferred to be carried that way.
My oldest actually preferred to be carried that way.
Starred for Saturday morning runway shows as a little kid! Remember when E! was good?
It really hit me when we had to do class projects in 3rd grade and I did mine on the Titanic because the movie had just come out so it was easy to obtain magazines and information about it. I made a replica Titanic out of a empty plastic cat food container because that’s all there was around my house. At the time I…
I think actual poor kids always know they are poor.
I never found monogamy hard.
I know this is not entertainment news but the three Syrian families our mosque sponsored will not be coming to America as a result of the ban. They sold all their belongings, went through two years of grueling interviews and background checks and were at the airport in Istanbul Ataturk airport with their luggage and…
So we’re really gonna do this, huh? This is actually happening? And how do I know I’m not in a coma somewhere hallucinating all this?
Yep, it’s 9 a.m. and I’m just getting around to putting on pants, considering the gym, but really this hot coffee in my silent loft apartment is quite nice. They made today a work-from-home day at work due to the sub-zero temps. Maybe I’ll finish my book since I have two more in the queue, but I should tidy up and get…
If by living he means stumbling around in stained sweats with circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, while my kidless friends go on a girl’s weekend to Vegas, then absolutely!
Many 22 years old I think can eat tons and stay thin as long as they’re active. I was one of them and my friends were too. Your true metabolism shows when you hit your 30's , I think.
I keep dreaming of the EC saying “fuck the consequences, we can’t let this happen. Congress will keep Hillary in line and Hillary will keep Congress in line. 4 years of gridlock is better than the alternative!”
I hope he sets up an A-Team style group of renegade do-gooders who comically thwart the cartoonishly evil GOP policies at every turn.
Did you go to Constance? Was the guy named Dan?
I did not see this one coming. This B list actress who will take anything, even behind the camera has A+ list name recognition thanks to a marriage. The always quiet one got busted in a NYC restroom making out with a guy. There was no sex, but there was a lot of rearranged clothing and hands in places that seemed to…
chris’ life isn’t perfect because liam is the hotter hemsworth.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters in Brooklyn were evacuated on Friday evening after employees found an…
it’s just an excuse for some bonfires and fireworks today.
Gut reaction here: I never usually buy into the “but he seems like a nice guy excuses”, Brad Pitt doesn’t strike me as a child abuser. Prove me wrong Internet.