
Maybe you'll get more bites today, LobstahThermidor. I'm crossing my fingers for you.

All I have to say is if bell hooks made any criticism of me publicly, I would be honored. Even if I don't agree with her, I would totally geek out that she was commenting on me.

My Dori demands the HIGHEST quality of paper, toilet paper, cotton balls, cake mixes, Cold-Eezz cough drops from my husband's bag, bagels she's pulled off the counter, discarded dryer sheets and what appeared to be a Apple Remote.

I see Blue Buffalo AND Purina, lists none of those things on their bags. I demand

If Oprah is the Eye of Sauron, does that mean Lindsay is Gollum? And Vodka is her "Precious"?

Melissa Harris-Perry writes in her book "Sister Citizen" about the social science experiment of the crooked room. In that room all of the angles are slightly off. It's up to the subject to determine where the true upright is. She uses this experiment as a metaphor for how America sees black women. Some of us black

In this particular instance, I haven't seen much mention of people wanting her fired, just the opinion that her joke touched on a subject that is super sensitive/didn't translate.

Ok. Personally I don't even believe there is a veil to lift. I mean we've been here 238 years and running. If you don't know by now its a matter of laziness and willful ignorance. And we do not need to start with comedy, chief examples being history, our white supremacist society, Rock's ni**as vs black people joke

It's too late. White people LOVE this kind of Black image. And trust me, it's ALL you'll see of her. She's on Twitter all angry talking about how "Black men don't F with me". And how "Black people need to wake up"...She made every Republican in my office happy with that skit. It's who they wish every Black women in

Those last couple of paragraphs sound almost as crazy as her jokes and her defense for them. Because another gender has made less than tasteful remarks that they try to pass off as funny doesn't give others a free pass or justification to repeat that crap. So what, Chris Rock or Kanye did it!? Those actions aren't

Am I the only one that doesn't think ths is amazing, but in fact, a monumental waste of time reflecting how frivolous the internet has made us?

Julie Andrews is a class act. Carrie Underwood "made it her own"? How VERY diplomatic, JA.

Seconds after this photo, Alec punched the camera phone and called it sexual slur.

Yes. You are right. Donald Sterling's virulent racism, well-documented over many decades of public life, is the fault of his biracial mistress.

Isn't "Everything tastes better in a bacon bowl!" the 11th commandment? If it isn't, then it should be.

killed my love for Jaime

I'm copy-pasting this comment from the io9 thread which said pretty much what I wanted to say:

I'm not familiar with the case other than what I read when I clicked the link to wikipedia, so take this with a grain of salt. In the entry is said that there were allegations that they were filmed for 'sexual gratification.' And yes, I agree about the academic gymnastics. If we were talking about adults, then I