
You know, I know people think that Corey Feldman is a joke. For all intents and purposes, he is. But he has been one of the only people blowing the whistle on the rampant pedophilia that he and buddy Corey Haim suffered at the hands of some of these disgusting people for YEARS. On all fronts and wherever possible,

I know a girl who does this. She is an endurance runner and also "former" eating disorder person. As a fitness trainer I often see people using raw or vegan diets to try and cover up their issues.

Are we sure she's not just trying to get the most out of her Costco membership?

usually eating meals consisting of a huge amount of a single fruit, such as two entire pinapples, five mangoes, two litres of orange juice, 1.4kg of apricots, or 20 bananas.

There is no aspect of the story that is not heartbreaking: this woman epitomizes how difficult it is to claw your way out of crippling poverty and the many "damned if you do, damned if you don't" choices one has to make in doing so. Her children were in real danger. Very real, very serious danger, and that should not

so you're saying you hate this couple?

I'm so glad I don't have to sit in their living room pretending to like these.

Well, this one time I had to wait in line at Barney's and it was *just* like being imprisoned! I was, like, incarcerated for twenty minutes while they rang up other people! (/sarcasm)

I'm just a model of how social media is tricky

If that is true, that is kind of a terribly assholish thing of her to do.

Is anyone else kind of sick of the unconditional love Jezebel has for Beyonce? She terrifies people at Bergdorf's because she routinely gets them fired? That is a downright bitch move. But noooo, Beyonce, the "Queen" or whatever. Bleh.

Benedict Cumberbatch is joining the cast of Magic Mike XXL! He will play a minor character named Tommy Cheeks.

These are my favorite kinds of customer stories, because not even the kindest soul could think that the customers are right in these situations.

"... robbed the place with a machete two weeks later." <—-funniest statement in this entire article.

Now playing

OH MY GOD. That's incredible! Thank you for sharing.

Yes, tragically if that were a real relationship, I imagine it would be like 4-6 months of incredibly hot, mindless sex that quickly fades into "YES TOM GODDAMIT YOU LOOK VERY HOT IN THAT PICTURE FOR GQ, SERIOUSLY LEAVE ME ALONE I AM TRYING TO DO MY TAXES."

#titsintights has me DYING!!!

The son is trolling now to juice up "Duck Dynasty" ratings, which have been in the toilet: he's hoping that folks will start to rally around the family again, thus he's bringing up the gay thing again.…

While only a couple of New York City schools specifically ban leggings, a large number of them, if not the majority prohibit short skirts or shorts, tube tops, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, baggy pants, exposed underwear, gang wear and tees with certain messages such as beer advertisements, all because they can