M Diddy

From a research ethics standpoint that is considered taking advantage of a vulnerable population. Even if a patient is dying, an experimental treatment could have a negative effect on their remaining time. Also, treatment most likely isn’t going to be used on end-stage patients, so it really wouldn’t yield useful

They’ve got this new, crazy special effect now. It’s called peroxide. Welcome to the the Future!!!!!!

Yet you care enough to post about it. No one is forcing you to read these articles, you know?

Incorrect. There is no credible scientific evidence to support that physician’s statement. The mistake that gets made today is thinking that everyone is entitled to voice their viewpoint. That implies that all views carry equal validity and that is not the case. To even entertain the his statement, in the absence of

I guess we learned that from the right. He’s going to get as much respect from the left as the right has shown Obama for the last eight years. Suck it up buttercup.

Yes, that is different. You’re either massively ingnorant, or being purposely obtuse. Are you suggesting that the president, any president, should be completely sequestered in DC for the entirety of their presidency? It’s not unreasonable for them to travel on occasion, or even take vacations. If you’re going to

Thinking of it from a healthcare provider standpoint, it would help with compliance. You say take your damn pills like people are willfully missing their medications. If you had an elderly patient that simply forgets their medicines periodically then it would be much more practical to have home health visit every 10

Presumably, you would try the shorter actiing medication prior to going with this to make sure you wouldn’t have an adverse reaction.

The shape would prevent it from coming back up.