
It’ll be good to know what the LIDAR saw.

A well-deserved COTD. A pun that actually took time to process, but helped make it good.

I thought that was like letting go of the wheel as you finish a street driving.

It amuses me that the safety operator had that shocked response before/during/after the crash that is a main staple of poorly-made distracted driving videos.

No actual video available? Understandably difficult to publish.

I will say that Baby Driver made me appreciate the short-wing STIs.

That old Cadillac looks just fine. The new one? Makes me embrace stance a little more.

I’ll just say that printerror’s story was my favorite.

Remember when that driver in Vegas intentionally cut off an autonomous car to see what it would do?

It looks like a junior version of Dom’s GTX (using that as a compliment).

And then there’s us GMG readers who stay on one side and then occasionally get pulled over to another side when someone tells us something interesting is going on there.

One simple problem that kept me from buying more from Toys R Us than its physical competitors: price. The Targets and Walmarts around me almost always had cheaper prices than Toys R Us.

Dear me, the thought of a U502 Explorer as a black car is just wrong. U354 *Expeditions* is where it’s at.

*probably more likely to be dubstep or trap because no respecting young kid is going to really enjoy some proper 90's/90's-style electronic music*

I don’t even know what of Oregon I’m looking at, but this ad does the right job of *being memorable.*

And this is a joke that I’m tired of.

Now that you’ve posed that question, I ponder that possibility.

I crash all the time in racing games (by accident and overtaking in single player), and while I haven’t gotten into a serious accident in real life, game crashes are escapes more than reminders for me.

Just seeing a Skyline that’s not a GT-R is a win for me. Love all the Skylines...

Ah, so now I understand what the “SARD” in Denso SARD Supra stands for.