Missy D B

I want this so bad. Also I had a huge crush on her when she was in basically every indie movie about teen angst in the aughts, so this picture is my dream.

After my dog was attacked, he does not like dogs. Out of fear, he will bark and lunge on walks now and part of that is my fault, because my action has always been to pull him away, which rewards his bad behavior with his removal from the situation. My dog trainer told me that for him to be comfortable on walks, I

As a twin, I've never understood the male twin fantasy— no way a woman would want to a) get it on with her TWIN SISTER (because incest) or b) want to get with a man who so obviously was interested in her looks (ie her and her sister being "the same" despite being two separate beings). I stand corrected -_-

Being fat, nothing ever fits exactly right, so I'd rather not be inconvenienced when shopping for clothes that aren't made for my body. Hence, online :-/ Is that depressing? Lol

I'm currently in the second book, which unfortunately has a lot of the "fade to black" thing. I guess once you've read 8 scenes of Claire and Jamie fucking, there's not much else to add lol.

Man, I was actually excited for this! I have a bum ovary, so my doctor and I have decided to start tracking ovulation and discharge and my cycle more generally. I use Clue and I love it, but it's annoying that this kind of service won't be integrated into HealthKit.

Man I want a job like that

"Needs to be reminded who's boss around here."

I immediately thought it was feminist trolling because the post has, in bold, "cue radical feminist ranting" and the title of the imgur post is Angry Feminist -_-

Omg I would vomit if I found out I was wearing dog.

I just watched Geek Charming so this news about Sarah Hyland is especially troubling. Terrible...

What followed was one of the few sex scenes I've ever seen that felt like it wasn't written explicitly for men.

UGHHHHHH this is why I don't date

What scares me is that the men who send this shit are REAL PEOPLE. How many real men do I meet during a given week that do this shit on their downtime? Is this how straight males think? If so, I'm out. Online dating turned me off from allllll dating, tbh.

This is my favorite thing I've read today:

I don't like the blanket statement of it. How can you say you find an ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE, of which you have not met all of, unattractive? THAT'S what seems suspect to me.

I've never met anyone from Kentucky who was not both 1) beautiful and 2) a delightful person.

Serious question: do people who spout the "work hard" credo really not understand math? It is mathematically impossible for every adult to become a supervisor or manager or CEO, yet we treat the fact that people didn't make it into the 10% of people who do "work hard and rise through the ranks" as abject failures

Nope, this one.

I would wear this jacket every day