How can a site as “progressive” as Splinter still not understand that many families don’t have the flexibility to leave work and that days off school, especially unplanned ones, can cause a lot of problems?
How can a site as “progressive” as Splinter still not understand that many families don’t have the flexibility to leave work and that days off school, especially unplanned ones, can cause a lot of problems?
If my boss couldn’t understand, fuck that job, I don’t want a job working for such heartless assholes.
-Parents who work quite a distance away.
-Parents who work hourly.
-Parents who don’t have personal transportation.
-Parents who work in emergency services.
Or, you know, it might have something to do w/wages being stuck in the 70s for all but the top 5-10% and financial insecurity being a daily fact of life for pretty much everyone else. But sure, you go ahead and moralize yourself to feeling superior to everyone. Im proud of you.
Jason this is such bullshit.
I have a feeling that if this were EA or Activision, there would be paragraph upon paragraph of editorializing on the evils of crunch. Yet since it’s Rockstar, a Studio We Like (tm), the worst thing written in this article amounts to a light slap on the wrist with a reminder that hey, Everyone Does This, such as other…
These markets produce some of the higest quality sushi grade cuts in the world. I don’t think you know how fish or food safety works...
Honda, I’m sorry for your loss.
“The very result the Hunt Commission had intended—to give those at the top of the DNC an irresponsible amount of power—handed Hillary Clinton the nomination and Donald Trump the country.”
Chances are, that’s b/c you are an asshole. Congrats on doing a fine job though!
O’m not gping to judge you but...dude, break up with your wife. Clearly this monogamy thing isn’t for you, at least not with this woman. So break up with her now and minimize the damage. Don’t wait till she finds out - and she will. They all do, sooner or later.
I mean, yeah, here’s hoping for the best for both of them, but I’ve always wondered about the sort of person who breaks up with one person to date their sibling.
I dated a young woman at one point who had a very attractive sister. It never crossed my mind to try to cross that line, because I liked my girlfriend (we…
Paying in cash is better. I don’t know how you could even argue that its better to take out a loan when you have the cash to pay for something.
My dad bought one of these the first year it came out.
Goddamn it, just cut the foreplay and tell me when I get to fuck a cartoon already.
Dude I’m 49 and have been riding since I was 16. Last bike was a 1969 BSA A65 fully rebuilt by me.
Couldn’t help but read the narrator in Morgan Freemans voice.
Another major casualty in Trump country.