Thanatos-Of the Greys

I'm only giving this a crack pipe based on the price and purely the price. If this thing were $12,000.00-$17,000.00 cheaper, then it would be a whole other story. I love Deloreans, in fact, I hope to be getting one on the next five years and sticking an LS1 or LS9, depending upon the budget. Of course, this would also

So. Fuckin'. Hard. Right now. Not in a gay way, but hard.

No, my son can ride up front and my wife in the trunk. Build it as it is (with a manual).

It is a RWD car and from what I am hearing on a few other sites, a manual looks likely, especially to keep down the costs and meet the EU market. There is a God...

And yet, I want one so fucking bad...

Let me check..., yup, that's a boner. I am a little too excited about this car...

This is only correct in certain cases. I personally bought a Prius C roughly the same week it was released in Canada (yeah, I know, but I drive 40,000KM+ per year and it saved me ton on gas, plus I have a baby now) and now, the car is worth only about $2,000.00 less than when I bought it, that being with factory

I can't believe these entitled brats. There are people who would love to have a warm meal and place to spend the night and they have the nerve to act this way when they get the wrong console, a high priced toy that many children can't even dream of owning. These parents need to return the console and tell the child

That meme always brings a smile to my face, lol. Thanks for the post.

Let's be honest, most Jalops suffer from this to one extent or another....

If a 13 year old does not understand these concepts, there is something severely wrong with them. A 13 year old has an incredible grasp of reality at that point in their lives.

You beat me to it...

Con lover....

I too have sinned, the dark sleekness of the 360 and PS3 controllers have tempted me, I have tasted of their plastic...I have console fever... Repent!

You cross platforming traitor, you are watering down the purity of the platform. Say no to inter platform mixing.

Keep that up and we are gunna' need to burn a joystick on your yard and lynch you by a mouse cord...

I have a highly modified SC400 along with a Mercedes SEL 300 and a Prius C, I also just put 43,0000km on the Prius in its first year, I have already saved a ton considering what the Lexus would have cost me on daily driver insurance and gas. Over the next couple years with this kind of mileage, the savings over that

Well, here in Canada we are still receiving Speed Channel. Apparently the rules from out regulator have made it difficult to replace Speed, excellent....

I will buy this for the sheer fact that it is being made by Darthmod, aka Darthgod. For all the free content and eenjoyment he has given me, that would be the least I could do. The fact this is in my favourite time frame is a bonus.

A version of Kotaku that doesn't obsess over cosplay would be rather nice... Que the flaming...