Thanatos-Of the Greys

I own one and haven't had any issues with myself being six feet.

The c isn't that small, about the size of a matrix

Is it just me, or does it seem as if everyone has forgotten about the Prius C, I guess Ford doesn't want to bring attention to the most efficient of Prius models... (also sold out, pretty much everywhere with a four month list for orders)

I have a sad, sad, sad obsession with sock moneys, so bad that my fiancé made me a Nietzsche sock monkey for my birthday once (and a plague doctor)... I certainly appreciate this picture! +1

Actually I know plenty of great mechanics who couldn't put together a proper sentence, nor understand what a vacuum is for, but would be able to build me an eight second quarter mile car that could also take me to work and back on a regular basis.

I was wondering how long it would take, though I would have thought that someone would have done a foam party version, still you were the first. -Fist Bump-

Suing people is though, I love my job.

The brand might be recognised, but if it isn't registered they can't legally take action to protect it. This would prevent situations such as having someone make fake Louis Vuitton bags, as if they use the brand name or trade marks on a product, they are in breach, the items can be confiscated and penalties required

Casualties mean severe injury, people who have suffered as a result. It is fatality that means death, yes it is technical, but the proper meaning of the phrase legally and in military contexts. Source: Myself, I have studied military law extensively while I was obtaining my law degree. In a civilian context it is

Bugga... what? Going in a straight line isn't important, it's how fast you can go around a track that is important, this, is the fastest car around.

To be honest, it's even worse than it looks. Your average muscle shop, heck even a rice tuner can quite easily get 1000hp out of a street legal Mustang, while reinforcing it where necessary and providing premium options; I love the car, but it is severely over priced due to Shelby's name being on it.

Thanks, it was a typo, I meant two processors (got a little excited yesterday, as I just landed my dream job). I imagine most of my posts yesterday were a little screwy.

I care about Linux, didn't she make a couple of those great songs from the 1990's... oh wait, Linux not Lennox.....

They were rather up front, the older generation of Playstations were backwards compatible and they made it rather clear that new releases would lose that compatibility, in fact I remember them making this very clear a full year before they dropped backwards compatibility.

To a certain extent yes, but not high end PC, rather comparable to today's mid level rigs. Though, this is a bit of a blurred image that they are portraying, the reality is that this system would be using two cards, which would drastically improve the performance and capabilities just like in an SLI system. If this is

Most American oil in fact comes from Canada, with another large portion being the US itself and Mexico. Yes some does come from Saudi Arabia, but a very small amount in comparison to the whole (mostly what happens in Saudi Arabia affects oil prices internationally, but the oil itself heads most often to Europe).

I personally like EA and own, will continue to purchase, many of their games. They are though one of the most under-handed software companies on the planet and need to clean up their image, along with the online pass we now have the shutting down of game servers for games that haven't even been out two years; shutting

Alright, but how much more is the termite proofing going to cost me?

The first time I drove a hybrid (about three weeks ago while testing the Prius C) was also the same day that I watched this episode of Weeds for the first time, I almost pissed myself laughing while I was driving the car down the street.

I have to say that I completely agree with you, the success of Steam and the marketplaces found within Xbox, as well as Playstation support this. A 20gb game only takes a few hours to download with a descent connection via Steam, while most people might not have this quality of service yet in the US, within Canada,