Now this is snow drifting in a real car, lmao I couldn't help it, I just couldn't... Ironically, it's based on an actually drift vehicle, by Takahiro Ueno.
Now this is snow drifting in a real car, lmao I couldn't help it, I just couldn't... Ironically, it's based on an actually drift vehicle, by Takahiro Ueno.
I agree, winter hoonage is actually far better in a RWD car, as in all weather. That video was kind of sad (the WRX vs. Evo), it's like two retarded children throwing dirt at each other when you compare it to the crap I have gotten into in empty parking lots during the Canadian winter.
22/34/26 versus 27/31/29 with no real mechanical issues reported so it is hard to claim that it is a piece of shit, considering it also has a ton of features and gadgets that keep up with, if not surpass other manufactures. The point of the LS600h was also not to be an environmental hybrid, but an experiment in using…
I lived in the UK for about three years (moved back to Canada in July), while there, a substantial number of high profile robberies and break-ins with football player's wives and themselves being in their homes when this happened, this was in one of the best neighbourhoods in the nation and some of the victims in…
I have a simple HD 201 and it works great, I have dropped those hundreds of times and have never had a single issue with them, they were worth the money, far more than the $600 Sony headphones I had a few years back that broke in weeks.
My $50 Sennheisers have been perfectly great for the past three years, not a single problem and perfect sound with nice base. For the most part, I haven't found most high end headphones to be worth the money, most of it comes down to image, much like the case of an iPhone compared to an Android smartphone.
I have to agree with Ralph at this point despite giving you the benefit of the doubt at first, you clearly are trolling as most of your points have been shot down repeatedly and very clearly. As for the bothering to find out the problem with a code, the last point I'll even bother to make here, most people do not…
I think the average person is more than capable of searching something on the internet, calling a friend or mechanic who can tell them immediately if it is safe to keep driving their car. As someone said in another well written post, if a coffee maker can tell you that it has a blockage, a car that costs you about…
Who am I, who are you to decide that it isn't? Something such as that is subjective, I am free to consider it vapour ware, you are free to consider it to not be, as I again, am free to consider you a douche.
That better be some serious glass, as it would take very little work to keep a thief from breaking it and even worse, you are putting all of your goods on display with that type of garage. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of it and am not paranoid about thieves, but this is just asking to get your car stolen by…
The square thing above that red button on your picture, the one above the shifter and below the dashboard itself would be an infotainment system, that LCD screen can and does provide a substantial amount of information, depending upon how it is programmed. As for regulations, yes I would like to have that regulated as…
#COTD That was priceless, lol
They already have it, the thing is that you have to go out and buy it at a premium and most often, it won't cover every code and companies such as Lexus and Mercedes are serious dicks about it and don't follow the requirements for OBD-II to the letter (they require special machines to have the codes read, Lexus was…
Every car has such a screen, every single car produced in lets say the last five years (and that is being excessively conservative) has such as screen. A simple digital display on your dash can provide this info and most cars are so interconnected that the ECU is connected to pretty much every last bit of electronics…
My car has one light, a standard square one with one colour, being red. A little more information would be nice, considering the number of oxygen sensors this car burns through (really, it is the only problem I have ever had with the car).
In 2007 they had a playable and detailed version of the game (DNF) developed and ready to be fleshed out with basically level content to go, it went straight down from there. This might come out soon, but on the other hand having it in development from 2001-present with no release date still categorises it as…
The thing is, we don't know if that is limp or not, if he is a shower or grower. If he is a grower and that was limp... he's fucked (or rather, will never get to be fucked again).
Then get ready for some seriously disappointing news, if you own something that costs more than a Fiesta, chances are that your infotainment system is already connected to your engine's computer and can provide you with detailed information, this would just be one more piece. On top of that, you would rather have the…
The thing is, when "the government" gets involved in making standards and requirements, it becomes mandatory and inescapable, so every company would have to implement this and couldn't escape it (give me this, instead of the outdoor temperature, or perhaps a son'g name going around on my dash). Examples of this are…
If it can tell you that Britney Spears "did it again", or if some "black eye peas" are screaming some random garbage at you, it can tell you that you have a malfunctioning injector. I agree with you and on top of that, like I said, a Fiesta can do all of this now, so can a Yaris and a Mazda 2 with basic trim levels,…