Thanatos-Of the Greys

I'm happy it's not the BBC, I had the misfortune of living in the UK for the last three years and I learned a few things, one of them being that the domestic BBC service is far more full of bullshit and bias than the BBC World Service (which is what most people get to see, they want you to have that manufactured image

Quite true, I'm quite a conservative and I'll even say the following "touch our public healthcare system and I'll touch in the face with a hockey stick till that system will have you as a patient"; we do love our health care.

You made me smile, an American who truly gets the the difference between Socialism and Communism! If you liked him or not on his policies (myself being on the latter side of that), you could respect him as a person and doing what he thought was best for the country, clearly free from any type of corporate influence,

IGN is just a pathetic joke as a whole, their writers are paid hacks for the software industry and will trash or support a piece of garbage or gold, depending upon how much the company spends on advertising. I remember the release of the PS3 Move game The Fight, their reviewer was trashed for his inaccuracy and flat

I find that rather interesting, as Jalopnik actually has a great reputation on the net, it's commentators and how current it keeps itself are regarded as amongst the best out there (compared to a certain site of car fans from throughout the world, that just has let itself go now and resorts to reporting Jalopnik

Our conservatives are pretty much your Democrats, with the Liberals not really being that different in substance (there are small, difference, not something most non-Canadians would clearly get at first), and the NDP (our now official opposition party) being what you would call a Socialist party, not Communist, but

That is substantially off, the CTV News Network is pretty much accepted as being our right wing network with the CityTV News Network (despite the mergers, they are still pretty independent in their news coverage styles) is as far left as you can sensibly get in Canada. The CBC does a great job of keeping a balance, as

I'm keeping the Lexus either way, at least for a permanent track car (I am/have put extensive work into it as it is), the thing is I just can't seem to bring myself to get an efficient car despite knowing I need to. Considering I put 30,000-45,000Km per year on the car, I can save a big load of money by getting

Looks like they did some post publishing editing, but it pretty much still says that (they must of had a correction to make). []

The problem is, I know what I will like (something that my wallet won't as gas here is $1.30/L., though the iQ has incredible handling).

Canada (Oshawa) thanks you for having faith in its build quality, that plant really did depend upon the success of that specific car as things were quite bad at the time and it was one of the plants on the chopping block.

To be honest I was interested in it, but I can't make up my mind if I will replace my sports car (well I'd still keep the Lexus but mod it to hell as I want and keep the new car for everyday use and overall happiness I get from driving that type of car), or suck it up and get something more efficient. As I am not

The thing is, this is meant for someone who isn't looking for something like the FR-S, but for someone who is looking for the FR-S. They have been displaying it at car shows, specs have been released, the price is estimated by most people at $22,000 USD ($25,000 Canadian) and the car can be seen performing in

I love my first gen car, but yeah it is a craps shoot in most cases.

They operate by having a set price for the car, if the dealer deviates from that price they run the chance of having their contract revoked with Toyota. Toyota has been very strict about this and I have heard of them enforcing the terms of these contracts in the past, with fines and restrictions being taken. What they

I honestly don't see what the problem is, you know what the car will look like and have information on its performance figures. On top of this, you do have a rough idea of what it will cost by looking at other Scion models and printed information leaks that are pretty easy to find. This is actually a better situation

Subaru BRZ, lol

The game isn't even out yet and I'm already hoping they make an addition that will include the clans, I am a big fan of them (that and I can't wait to crush my enemy's mechs beneath the awesomeness of my Atlas mech, god of all mechs).

When you said Mechwarrior Online, I thought you had been drinking the funny Kool-Aid and that you were making reference to the older Mechwarrior Online game that was cancelled about 8 years back or so (of which, I was a beta tester, it had potential, too bad it got canned). I see now, I had no idea they were working

So apparently in a Gamespot interview the Old Republic guys pretty much made it clear that they are working on a huge space project that would revamp the system, we all knew it was coming but at least this makes it clear that they have it as one of their top priorities and will most likely result in 3D combat