Thanatos-Of the Greys

It was pretty funny, almost as if it were moonwalking across the side, it also pulled some serious gymnastic stunts with the way it was moving backwards.

It's okay, we all go through it at some point... (even I have done so, I'll admit it). Though there is a fine line between high quality Japanese rice, and the garbage you can get at your corner shop.

That sucks, though it is exactly what I am wondering. I am hearing about tons of bugs, but in all honesty I haven't had more than what I mentioned (the dragon one was actually one dragon, my game then crashed and the funniest thing, it wasn't a crash, steam closed it and initiated an updated [I would have appreciated

What I meant was the type of person who sticks on a Hamann kit for the sake of having a Hamann kit, or the guy who puts the stickers on his car to look "cool, just like F&F". Those mods that he put on the car are metal, welded on parts that most likely were custom made, that takes dedication and talent, unlike dishing

Maybe it's because of the fact that I have compatible hardware with what their software was intended for (ideally) or the fact that I am on a PC, but I haven't had a single bug with the exception of the Dragon flying backwards one and the elemental shout stuck on my sword, that's it, two bugs in my 60+ hours which is

LMAO, from the NES controller to the XBOX/PS controllers, I can only really get into them when it comes to sports games, but nothing more. The Move on the other hand, I love that thing for FPS games and would love to have Skyrim incorporate that (have you seen that video of the guy who got it working with the Kinect?).

I agree and find your view interesting and refreshing, I usually hear that about the French, but I have been to France and trust me it/they are not romantic in the slightest, it's a popular idea from people who think Europe consist of 3 places being England, France and Italy. This man's passion for his car is romantic

Sadly from my experience, the type of person who usually pays someone to "customise" their car, tends to not appreciate their car for what it really is or cherish vehicles with a real vintage, but no instant recognition from the general public. By that, I mean the guy who takes his car in to get a pin-stripping job

I agree with this, my 20 year old car (well it will be 20 in exactly one month according to its vin number and a cross reference for its production date) has never, not once let me down (that says something for Toyota/Lexus build quality in the early 1990's. On the other hand, my father's ML500 that I have used

That is what I was thinking and on top of it, how many people even played the single player campaign of Battlefield 3, as for the most part it really is intended as a multiplayer game with the single player being there for a tutorial and offline configuration practice system.

I can respect that and quite a bit actually, I don't tend to finish many of my games, but that is also due to their nature (racing games for instance, there are just some modes that appeal to me and thus the others never get used or I move onto a different style of racing). Sandbox games would be an example, the main

That would be a rather subjective statement, as there are plenty of books out there are are mere trash, while there are plenty of games out there with real artistic and intellectual value. It would depend on what you read compared to what you play; I would agree in this context though given the games on that list.

Sadly, I can count the number of games I have completed in the past year on one hand. I either grow tired of the game or for the most part, purchase games that have more of a sandbox or multilayer feel so technically they can't be completed. With over 100hrs on Empire and 80 on Napoleon Total war, and 80 on Fallout 3

Perhaps then it has something more to do with my own play styler rather than the mouse? But I actually tend to use far more buttons on my mouse in action games than in an MMO. I put reload, activate, both action buttons, grenades, sight and so on (heck even run in most cases) on my house; in an MMO or any game of this

I have to agree, I have always preferred the GT series of games until this iteration. I was quite pissed off with the fact that I basically paid for a stripped down version of GT4, with not even a substantial graphics updates (most of the cars are ripped right out of GT3 which were carried over to GT4 and now GT5).

It works just like GT4, but with less content so technically you could say that it works just like they wanted; you sell an updated port and rake in the money, mission accomplished.

That is the point of a blog, that is why it is a blog and not a news article. I for one also agree with his opinion, I am a fan of this game and was severely let down by its poor quality and basically the fact that most of the cars were simple GT3/4 ports from the PS2.

Considering this game is a command based game, rather than an interactive one (basically KOTOR compared to Skyrim), equipment such as a gaming mouse would be completely useless. On the other hand, a keyboard with programmable buttons, such as those speciality WoW ones would be quite useful instead of inputting

She, is beautiful...

It did and then it was brought back from the dead by the US Federal government and the Canadian province of Ontario (at least they kept the Oshawa factor opened, which meant that the Camaro would be built there and now is).