Thanatos-Of the Greys

That's absolutely true, I did mention that the base model Supra did come with the 2JZ-GE in the first sentence. The balance in the 1UZ is perfectly fine though, but it's a matter of placement in the car as to how well it will work out. That is the main reason for the insanely long forward section on the Soarer/SC,

Even funnier, the JGTC Supras running in the GT500 category (500hp and less compared to the GT300 with 300hp or less) used the Soarer/SC400 chassis and engine as well, with Supra body panels to help promote the car as it had a lower price and higher production figures, so really, those Supras that won in the GT and

Reminds me of my cat when he jumped into a bag of flour, he looked like a Columbian during Carnival.

She approves of this, though I bet you it's not a successor to the SC but an entry sports model with a proper SC to come (the hood looks too short for a real V8 GT car and the car rides a little too narrow as well).

Not necessarily, the SC300 used the standard 2JZ-GE found in the Supra, it was the 2JZ-GTE that put out more power as that was the turbo version of that engine. The engine first appeared and was designed for the SC300 or rather the Toyota Soarer 3.0 with the chassis for the Soarer (2.5TT, 3.0 or 4.0 GT) being the

Actually the SC300/400/Soarer chassis was used as the base for the production model Supra, so you could say there is a little Lexus in that Supra, it's a giant circle of carnography.

The hood looks a little too short for a proper SC successor, most likely it will be a FT-86 version for Lexus (the previous serious SC, being the SC400 had dimensions more in line of a V8 coupe, his is very nice, but a little short for what they tend to do with these cars).

It seems to me that most of these anticipated games are actually on the PC as well, along with others not mentioned so you can argue that it would be the PC and not Xbox. Along with this, it depends on what you want, as most of those were also on the PS3 with a few different ones that could be added to that console to

I was in the same position, actually I basically still am as I an now writing exams to practice in Canada and am home studying. My route was to not spend the money until I could, you don't have a right to gaming, but have the option of it if you can afford it. It sucks, but there are options. An SNES game costs

It's not punishment, it's capitalism as nobody works for free and if you want their product they are entitled to compensation. I can give free legal advice, but I don't have to (well I do, but a few hours a year and I don't like doing it, that is called slavery forcing someone to do something with no choice except

If you only play a few days out of the month, you are a casual gamer (which is fine) so you should consider other games or the F2P model. In those, you pay for what you want, play for free or play to get an edge or extra levels if you want to keep going; Champions Online works in this manner. I asked if you were

How I wish there was more of a controlled play style or the option of it in TOR, I would jump on that like it were a free Ferrari in pearl blue. The problem is that the average gamer in most RPG MMO games is against having to move that much, let alone going out in the sun. There seems to be an opposition to games that

No one is forcing you to pay that fee every month, the character is saved until you return (SWG, I logged in after being away for five years and every last item and credit I had was still there, some of which was now rare and I sold to live in game like a King, an Emperor in fact to guys who wanted to own some rare

I think you are either trolling or don't understand how this works. You can pay to play until you get tired of the game, then you have a choice; pay to keep playing or stop for a while or forever. If you choose to keep paying that is your fault, if you stop you can then wait till you get the content you are waiting

I agree with you on that, a movie costs that in Canada at this point (Toronto) with tax included, often that provides you with 1 1/2 -2 hours of entertainment. I would rather get 50hrs+ for that money. It also depends on the gamer, I don't like the control system of most MMO games, where the game plays itself with you

And play along side them, kill them if you want and later, fly with them to your guild ship (at which point I will join you guys up there in the deep black of space).

Content in a beta is added and removed to test it features and force users to test or focus on others, often while the troubles piece of software is repaired or removed for stability. Betas are for testing, not for demoing a game or playing for free; they are never an example of how a game will or is at launch (heck

You sir are correct, this has my professional seal of approval and this is how such matters often work in the real world. Liability clauses are merely scare tactics and once negligence or liability is shown (as you mentioned), the clause only acts to lower the level of negligence attributed to them and thus their

Here is my professional legal opinion on the matter (I'm not kidding here), this clause is contrary to your rights as a citizen of (fill in the name of most Western states) and contrary to most legislation in (again country's name here). Virtually every Western country from the US and Canada to Germany and the UK

I agree, but the fact is that the clients out there start at roughly that price now for new games, with the cost lowering every six months or so. I've always hated the idea of paying for a client and sub as the sub can cover the cost, but the initial client cost is needed (at the beginning mainly), to recoup and show