Thanatos-Of the Greys

It has to be fake radar traps and fake radar trap warnings. All over Portugal and the UK you have signs basically telling you there is a radar trap ahead... there isn't. Most of these are just empty shells or just signs near fancy light posts and trust me, they work! Nobody wants to risk finding out if the box is real

I thought the police were limited anyway to 150km/h?

I'm not getting rid of my V8 either, but I know its place and having it as an everyday car just doesn't make any sense and that also doesn't mean that you won't find a similar experience in an electric. Have you ever driven one of these cars, really? I have taken a Tesla for a ride, I was lucky enough to do so as a

That's exactly it, Bauhus being one of the most contentious design styles of the 20th century. You either love it or hate it and quite a few people really hate it, not only the interior design applications, but even worse being the architectural applications. I have nothing against him as a person, I don't know about

Apparently the thing just blew and they aren't that rare, I think it was about the second one this week in the Greater Toronto Area. Here is a video of the aftermath, but not the initial explosion. []

True, exactly right and thanks for seeing the logical side of this. One guy jumps to conclusions and the other tells me to GTFO, I guess at least there are some bright people on here who can see how this can work either way. Technology is not something to fear, just like those damn fangled horseless wagons with their

So someone is a hippy for wanting better efficiency or enjoying new tech? Also, Toyota and Honda have been using these batteries for over ten years in their own applications with no failures yet found in them, so what's the problem?

It's not defensive rage, so stop jumping to conclusions (like with you assuming that I was a US resident/citizen previously). I just think it's funny that stories like this jump up before a little more investigating is done, just like the issue with the Toyota pedals. Often, it seems that is is more of a market tool

It's not like a tank of gasoline can catch on fire right? Oh wait, yesterday in Toronto we had a very serious accident where the car slammed through the divider, hit the other side of the highway and basically blew up, burning the person inside of the car alive (from what a few people that witnessed the accident said

Same thing that I posted to eatadonut: "lol, I am not only a Canadian citizen, I live in Canada as well after returning to Canada following a few years in the UK and elsewhere. When travelling to other places though, I am not exactly happy about my money being sent to regions of the world that supply oil and are more

lol, I am not only a Canadian citizen, I live in Canada as well after returning to Canada following a few years in the UK and elsewhere. When travelling to other places though, I am not exactly happy about my money being sent to regions of the world that supply oil and are more than happy to take my money, but would

Yes, it is true that it is the case right now but look at the rate at which that is changing and the policies that have been put into place. China is actually one of the best examples (yes, surprising); the government (an iron fisted government that always gets its way) has instituted a policy over the last couple of

That substitute would be saving you money, not paying your hard earned cash to a country that hates your guts (or at least a substantial number of its people) and being able to cleanly operate your car (true, depending upon where you live) with a great deal of power. Things take time, but that time is paying off.

It's an example, as most of the original criticisms against the electric car were based on the performance factor, now it is mainly the distance factor. Well, there have been many advances on that front in the last three years alone. Nothing is going to happen over night, but when you look at the rate at which

Number 6 is no surprise, as much as some idiots hate electric cars they have their full power capability available from the time the engine is activated. This means that these things have torque and horsepower on demand and the current work being done on these on the track is resulting in some incredible 1/4 mile

Perfect example of what I hate about German design styles, especially his work.

You're willing to touch another dude's nuts for a grand, you must need the money more than I do and I have $800 of legal texts to buy.

What can we use it for? Pure badass-ness, pure... knowing how much torque you are putting out while spinning those tires has a bit of appeal to me.

I wonder if we can get a photoshop of how that kid would look like, I can't get the image I had in mind, well out of my mind, lmao.

That's right, I don't like it and not one bit (having actually driven a few different versions over the years, I just don't like the car, it's the same thing with a little more power every year). They could try doing something a little different, perhaps attempt to create a more progressive model, rather than a snails