
As a Canadian, funny how Americans hate socialism when it’s actually the opposite that screws them. You should read about neoliberalism, especially about your banks deregulation.

Ugh, yeah, Chrome on iOS crashes on me ALL THE TIME.

a) it wouldn't allow me to edit the post

I happen to be a friend of a number of people that are managers and employees at RightWay and I'd like to give out some facts for the haters that are on this site and other sites. While I think it would be fine to do this for publicity, that was not the reason it was done. The proof of that is in the fact this is

Now what we have here, is a large scale case of weather wimps. Chrysler Town&County (the Minivan) has the same unit as the Ferrari.

Neigh-Tec just kicked in!

Was this supposed to be funny?

I don't like runflat tires. They ride like crap, wear quickly and are still too expensive. I hope that will change soon. I don't like the 'missing spare' so much that I grabbed a spare tire and jack from a junkyard for my Volt, to bring on long trips. The jack is even in a nice case that fits right inside the donut

Wouldn't it be Queens'?

Well considering that Buffalo averages 94.7 inches of snow a year and Anchorage averages 74.5 inches of snow a year....I'd say Buffalo knows what snow is. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of pride.

You call Tuesday "Thursday" in Alaska?

A "GT-K" of course. K is for kropy.

They are not "pot allegations" they are factual as they were part of the autopsy. An allegation needs no proof

I remember telling a guy last year what the cruising speed of our jet was. It was his first flight ever and that high of a number terrified him.

Now playing

Fake or not, it was lacking a good soundtrack. I fixed it.

I stopped watching because of the terrible, terrible music.


I would like to point out, you have cop jizz on your lips.