

SPLOID - Your use if animated Gifs and shoddy video links should be addressed. Load time for your pages is never ending.
Stop with shitty video links (Especially, corporate designed video players). half of them never load, the other half take so long to load, I usually just Google the topic and watch the video

Son, we live in a world that has video formatting, and that formatting has to be guarded by men with comments. Who's gonna do it? You?

It's in portrait. Can't watch it.

Tomorows headline:

Stupid fucking Russians... They're just a bunch of corrupt animals in a country with no direction and a failed economy.

I think you misspelled Chevrolet in your title

Stupid Kinja

Most of Puerto Rico lives in NY/NJ, so, yeah.

If you didn't think he was a douche already, the vanity plate is irrefutable evidence of his douchness.

How could Uruguay's prime minister not find his way into this?

I wish GM replaced my almost brand new (at the time) Cobalt SS Supercharged when it was wrecked by the dealer instead of half-ass repairing it and giving me the biggest POS in the state of NY.

I bet he sometimes takes the bus to brag he came to the office in a 200k vehicle.

My condolences.

What a deutschbag!

Just an FYI, Hola Unblocker injects ads

Ghacks had an article on how to block those but I'm too lazy to paste it. Google to the rescue!

Sort of I the only one who feels that the blogs should be counted as part of gizmodo, in the sense that they share the same set of approved commenters? They've been around for a while and they don't seem to have developed very many approved commenters of their own at all. It results
