
yeah and 10% are not..

When i can get at least a 400 mile range, chage in 15 min to full and have a place to charge as easy and with the same amount of locations as todays gas stations then its time to move on.

Doug, this has nothing to do VW or dirty TDI’s, i just would like to know how often do people call you a pretentious, annoying norm-core hipster?

Heading over to Craig’s List to buy almost new TDI’s for dirt cheap, not give a flying shit about this contorversy.

A bunch of bull shit and who cares.

Im getting my car inspected in DOWN STATE NY, where i live and the car is located, the cost is $37

Maybe you do.. If bought new you cant avoid it, other sales.. It can be avoided. And regardless, that’s sales tax one time for the period you own the car, not some outrage every year

At least here in NY they dont have this shit stain property tax on cars. You pay $120 (+ or -) every two years and if your car is OBD2 Just make sure the CEL is off and its $37 every year for inspection.

touch and hold then hold longer

I found this out 30 years ago..

Dude, im on Long Island.

NOT AN OPTION FOR ME.. Because even tho i live on an island home to 7,800,000 people im too far east to get OTA TV from NYC with an antenna

Maybe #4, your just not all that and people just dont care

im doing it fine. Its slow and bulky for me.

Chrome is garbage. Im still using firefox on OSX

Yeah it is


I wish this would have been a serious head to head type of a video. This seemed more hipster nerd at the bar kind of a video.

Hardly, these 2 shows blow top gear UK away.