
I think the more important fact is you bought the FF 15: Mobile Edition?  WHY?

No.  Jokes are funny.  That was clickbait.  Shame.

How much are they selling the old Iphone X for?  I can’t find that anywhere.

>>I’m 30, my wife is 28. We’ve been married for 3 years. And for the past 6 years, I’ve been having an affair with her younger sister, who is 23.

You are incorrect. She is a women so she is always the victim.

Has anyone played the mobile version of this? Does it have all the side quests? How is the battle system?

Uhhh...seriously? Where was this article in 2008 or 2012?  Please stop whining about the election.  Trump won because liberal ideas are bankrupt.  He isn’t getting impeached and most likely will be reelected.  All you do when you write these articles is make your side look like crybabies. 

I gave the video a thumbs down for a misleading article.

No, because that would take work.  Linking to a YT video is easy clicks.

>>I respect plenty of people that I don’t disagree with all the time but John McCain’s ass sure isn’t one of them<<

>>I know it’s not a popular take around these parts, but I’m going to mourn John McCain.<<

>>He gave us Sarah Palin, which helped birth the Tea Party, which helped get us into the current travesty that is our national politics. I hope he had the fortune to die peacefully, but I’m not shedding any tears.

After Millenials its...Generation Crybaby,

>>I do not understand how $15/hr is impossible for companies. My 17-year-oldson makes $13.65/hr ($15/hr starting in Oct) under Alberta’s new EmploymentStandards rules, bussing tables. He also gets 6% in lieu of vacation time, and 5% general holiday pay if he doesn’t work a stat holiday. And, he gets tipped out.

I had this talk about three months or so ago with my oldest (18). He had been going to therapy for something (He didn’t want to talk about it). I thought maybe that was what he was talking to her about. I told him in the car I didn’t care if he was into boys or girls. I still would love him. He just kinda said “okay”,

>>You’re saying, “If she had simply walked away, she would not have gotten into trouble.”

I agree with you, but on this website the cops are always the villains.

>>Yeah, how about we keep tabs on what the cops are doing what with the large number of executions they feel like performing in the middle of the street on a nearly daily basis?<<

Most likely it’s somewhere in the middle. If she was filming a random (not abusive arrest), she was most likely a pain in the ass entitled women. She probably did get too close to the officers. They told her to walk away, she most likely did accidently/purpose assault the officers and they arrested her with the force

Is it possible to ignore articles based on authors? If this his idea of an article then I never need to read anything from him again.