
I am curious. If it had been about Clinton’s or Obama’s daughters would you be so ready to not be offended? The answer is probably no.  Going after the children of a president used to be unheard of.  Now it’s okay because it’s Trump?  That’s bullshit and you know it.

>>This is an example of something called “Dry Humor”. It’s a little nuanced. But allow me to explain the joke.<<

I agree. I hope this women just said “wouldn’t it be funny if..”. If someone actually assigned her this they need to be talked to.

>>I do love that scene in the first season finale when Lois realizes that she was in love with Clark the whole time.<<

This is going to be a very awkward episode of NVC this week.  I wonder how much they will talk about it.  He was the leader of that Nintendo podcast.

>>Actually the white woman stole a sign, and the sign owner punched her and reclaimed her sign. Totally legal. <<

>>Why are you fighting so hard against people protesting systemic racism? Why does it bother you so much if they impede a single white person?<<

I guess we don’t agree. I see it’s not okay to assault someone.  You think it’s okay if someone rips up a piece of cardboard.  

>>Yes, you see, you are caught in a protest, which is a form of free speech. They are aware you are being blocked, hence the impact of the protest.<<

>>She could literally have walked 2 blocks to the next light rail station.<<

>>She really doesn’t understand, because she has autism. Her routine was interrupted & she had a meltdown - just like EVERY color of person on the spectrum does.

So it’s her fault because she wanted to go home and some asshole protesters were blocking her. Then when she tried to past them they got in her way, she threw down a sign and got assaulted...and its her fault? Should she have touched the sign. No. Should the protesters leave the public alone. Yes. Should they be

Your long winded way of excusing white racism.  

I know people are jumping on you but you are 100% correct. You have to understand it’s okay to be racist towards white people. Just like it’s okay to have religious intolerance towards Christians. Why is it okay? I have no idea...but that’s the way the left wants it. Everyone a victim except for those two groups.

>>How is this collecting stars on fucking Deadspin, for fuck’s sake?<<

>>Hey, if you nintendo fucks want to get a virtual console that grants me rights across all devices, let me know.

I assume you mean both games.  My playtime was 130 slow down..

>>Aw, dammit. I was hoping for Peter Dinklage as companion.<<

It’s also very possible that the CVS would require him to pay them back for accepting a bad coupon.  I know some store owners that it’s their policy, and it sucks.

Yes, things can be explained. That doesn’t mean it’s not suspicious. As a person who gets fake coupons those are red flags. Does it mean it can’t be real? No, but it’s not something I would take. Too much risk.