Cherith Cutestory

People gotta remember that Mulaney is basically just a coked-out frat boy and stop expecting better of him.

This faux outrage about wrongly detained Americans has been strangely absent as applied to....any other wrongly detained American overseas. Once you leave the U.S., you are subject to the laws of the country you are in (and their fair or insanely corrupt legal system) and the U.S. government has no control. Saying

I really love Only Murders in the Building and am on my third rewatch, but this really dampens my excitement for the second season. I just find Cara Delevingne to be such a distractingly bad actress, fortunately the rest of the cast is so great because she basically sucks the charisma out of every room she’s in.

Selena Gomez was excellent on s1 and had surprising chemistry with the Martins. She might be able to make this work too

The Future Queen of England Needs an Assistant

How do you get to call her the future Queen of England, exclude all the other nations of the United Kingdom that she’s a part of, then conveniently reference the rest of the U.K with regards to salaries. Since England hasnt been a sovereign state since 1707, calling anyone the Queen of England is wrong and an insult

Anything to be horrified.

Honestly, I don't see how keeping her name in the news is helpful to her. The more outrage America shows over this, the more inclined Russia will be to never let her go. The state department is obviously doing what they can but broadcasting the details to make you happy isn't going to help her.

Yup. They have ruined a few nice names 

I think in general modern films has far less sex scenes then 80s films did. The other day I commented to a friend of mine about the trend lately in indie cinema with retro 80s movies. These are films that idolize the exploitation genres like action and horror. I thought that it was weird that these films emphasize the

What a strange comment. Supporting one particular position a person takes doesn’t require you to endorse everything else they have done in their lives. It’s not all or nothing.

I said more or less the same thing in the other piece on Jez that mentioned William’s comment. It’s true. War is not something younger people living in Europe have ever experienced close to home, with the exception of the Balkans war but that was already over 25 years ago. But William should not have said that because

I hate to be the one that points out the details, because so much of what you say is correct, but in this specific statement, he's not wrong. "In this generation" and "in Europe" this hasn't happened. Yes, the underlying racism shows he's ignorant to the rest of the world, especially since his brother literally served

Counterpoint: if you have critiques of Ukraine government policies or their president, now is not an appropriate time to voice them, since they’re fighting an existential war against a country that launched a war of aggression against their neighbor, who also happens to be the neighbor of a bunch of NATO countries. If

Look, I like to get riled up about ageism as much as anyone else, but this isn’t ageism. It’s easier to age someone up than down, even with Marvel’s CG wizardry. If she’s going to be playing the mom in flashbacks it makes sense that she will be younger and aged up in present day stuff.

That’s moreso a reverse situation. Her age is pretty accurate based on the book, but Chalamet is playing a younger person who’s probably 5-10 years younger than his actual age. I love him in it so I let it go.

I don’t care if she was a [put whatever employment makes you happy here], we can be empathetic for a person that goes in to get a procedure done and is physically scarred for life after.  It doesn’t matter who she was or who she is.  Stop judging people. 

Hey, look at what happened *last friggin’ month* to Bridget Fonda after some-20 years of fading into obscurity: a fucking paparazzo figured out where she lived, *staked out her house*, and took photos of her looking like a normal middle-aged mom. She had gained a lot of weight and some of the press were rather cruel

“I just wasn’t reaping the publicity benefits of continuing this PR creation any longer” said at least one party in the arrangement

It’s interesting how much of the negative stuff behind the scenes involved Rick Berman. He’s the true villain of Star Trek. Also NBC didn’t have an issue with a female first officer from the original pilot they specifically objected to Majel Barrett (later Roddenberry) in the role. As Gene didn’t want to give that