Cherith Cutestory

And while I absolutely love that, the movie was kinda bad. But then, I wanted Monica Rambeau as Cap.

TBH, I think it would have been more meaningful had it been Crusher who gave Picard his diagnosis on the series. Not some “old friend” from his time aboard Stargazer that had never been mentioned ONCE in any production Stewart had appeared in.

Kate! Exciting!

TNG was the rough draft, DS9 was the proper manuscript. They did everything better. 

That Picard blurb is just another reminder how much better DS9 did at handling the characters relationships with each other and with romantic interests than TNG

First of all, Roger Corman’s whole modus operandi was to make quick cheap movies as quickly and cheaply as possible and one of the ways he did it was by hiring people for peanuts with the promise of ‘exposure’ and ‘opportunities of advancement’. He literally used to say to his directors(Many of whom had been assistant

Maybe it’s just me, but I immediately assumed on seeing this that it came with an unspoken “except those who need them” clause, unspoken partly for efficiency but also partly because the speaker assumed that it was obvious enough to go without saying.

I had a project manager - at a state agency no less - insist I stand up during our morning scrum - the theory is if everyone is standing no one will talk for too long. (its a stupid theory) . I need a cane to walk and standing longer than five or six minutes is impossible. I asked if standing for 30 minutes was a job

This is thrilling to me because it suggests that Warner Bros. wants Harley Quinn to continue (it’s not yet been picked up for a third season), and while they clearly don’t really give a shit about DC Universe, if they’re making noise about it coming to HBO Max (about which they give many shits), it says HQ is on-brand

You’re doing yourself a disservice by not watching it already, the entire show is an homage to DC comics history. Darkseid is voiced by Michael Ironside, nuff said.

Needed more Bane! 

Riddler - not violent as primary means
Ventriloquist - without Scarface, he’s not very violent as his primary means.
Harley - history of violence; probably as likely to break her glasses apart to use as tools and a shiv.

I’d mandate that she only gets soft contacts, not glasses.

I love this ride... and don’t mind the change at all. The current theme was scrapped together from left over pieces of another ride they closed after a cast member was crushed to death on it. And it will be nice to have a re-theming really built for this ride and not just reused.

he might be able to finish this one, but sure as hell he won’t the next.
it be a miracle if he can even remotely untangle all the plot lines

In the past, Martin’s expressed the difficulties he’s had with putting pen to paper when it comes to working his way through Winds of Winter, the sixth entry into his A Song of Ice and Fire series. Winds of Winter’s meant to be one of Martin’s most ambitious books, with a complex constellation of deep, nuanced

I have never considered myself famous or powerful

Try watching more than one episode before dismissing the entire show.

Same! In a show which painted a binary of conformist losers vs. free-thinking outcasts, Jodie was rather nuanced.

doesn’t need to be addressed, it’s a cartoon oh my god

Maggie Simpson should be over 30.