Cherith Cutestory

Thats exactly what Taylor Swift did to Nicki Minaj all those years ago after the tweet about the Grammy nomination. It is right out of the White Feminism handbook.

Don’t forget Mario Batali, Guy Fiere, Wolfgang puck, or Robert Irvine. And why the Asian ones and not Paula Dean or Rachel Ray or Martha?

I believe it. I don’t know her, but we know people in common, and the people she is friends with are similarly not nice people. I do own her books because I find them to be a nice collection of recipes that are neither overly concerned with being healthy nor celebrating gluttony for the sake of gluttony (remember that

I have some Cravings items too. I wasn’t deliberately shopping for her stuff but it met my needs for a reasonable price and it’s still useful today, even with my clumsy ass dropping shit all the time.

I was with you until the whole her husband is a dork, it’s not about race or sex shit. Why do white people always want to tell you it is not about race without checking their internalized racism? I was not born in this country and yet I am always checking how casually racism is imbued into every part of our lives.

I fucking LOVE my giant cast iron I got from Cravings at Target. Seriously, I use that damned thing every day and I got it on some wild sale (so, under $20!). I’ve had it for months and months and it is still chugging along great, despite me not properly taking care of any cast iron thing any time. It tolerates my

Unfortunately, I know some people who have worked for and interacted with Alison and reported that she is... not a nice person. In fact, she was sort of egregiously careless with other people’s feelings. Not the way they put it, they used more profanity. I was super disappointed to hear this at the time, but at this

Marie Kondo changed my life. That is all. 

I think Tyra (at least in the beginning) was pretty invested in recreating the modeling experience that she and countless other young models were and are subjected to, hence all the nasty weight comments from the panel and the brushing off of women not wanting to participate in certain challenges because of personal

Definitely unforced error, but seems like the kind of unforced error that is common for people who suddenly find themselves on a bigger platform and don’t realize that they are now recognizable enough that these kind of comments aren’t going to come off like punching up anymore, but will just seem bitchy.

The Alison thing is such an unforced error on her part. The interviewer did not bring up Chrissy or Marie Kondo. The interviewer did bring up goop and Alison was like, nah, I’m reaching for these two Asian women to shit on instead. Mean girl and cool girl (TM) vibes all rolled into one.

I call Keaton’s style in this vid “Rhythym Nation, but directed by Woody Allen.”

Diane Keaton loves clowns. She did a whole book about clown paintings and it rules. It was gifted to me several years ago. 

This is so idiotic i cant even get my head round it. You don’t just recover from this thing then crack on with your life as normal. My cousin has just recovered from it (shes a nhs worked and contracted it at work), she now has pleural rub on the base of her lungs, the lungs rub together (you can hear them doing that

kill yourself

The fact that Elon Musk would publicly correct a very minor error in his partner’s statement about their child’s name while she is still recovering from the birth tells me everything I need to know about Elon Musk. 

I’m confused. Why isn’t Amanda Palmer allowed to announce her separation if she wants to? I was unaware she required Neil Gaiman’s permission to discuss her own life.

I have always thought there was something off with Neil Gaiman. I know, I know, he’s like the nicest comic book writer to ever have a wonderful exchange with a cancer patient in an airport. I have heard all the stories, all the myths, all the legends. But there is something off about Neil Gaiman.

He never stopped. I’m not a fan of hers; find her insufferable, actually, but don’t try to Yoko her in this one. It’s lame and inaccurate.

You know what I got from my wife? Palimony!